Chapter 40

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“The pain we have endured are vast and formidable; thus, it is my solemn duty to unveil to thee the true legacy of our noble cause.”

“We stand but as a single unit of Hun Si, an illustrious order.”

“Scattered across the globe are many of our brethren, entrusted with the sacred task of rousing the forces of darkness from their slumber.”

“Henceforth, I am Fei, not of exalted rank, but rather, the vigilant guardian who watches over our mission.”

“Kang Joon-min, thou art known to us as Benelli. With respect, I greet thy ascension to the esteemed ranks of Hun Si of Asia. Thy presence here shall strengthen our cause immeasurably.”

“Li Yan-liu, thou who bearst the name Aki, it is with immense honor that I welcome thee to our hallowed fellowship within Hun Si of Asia. Thy valor shall fortify our ranks.”

“Hiro, thy name doth ring with the promise of great deeds. I am elated to witness thy induction into the ranks of Hun Si of Asia. Thou shalt bring with thee the fire we so dearly require.”

“Li Yang, known to us as Katana, thy presence among us is a beacon of Yang. I am profoundly gratified to see thee join the venerable Hun Si of Asia.”

Let us forge ahead with unity and purpose, for our justice against the wicked knows no bounds. Together, we shall rise to meet the challenges that lie before us, driven by the indomitable spirit of Hun Si.



Benelli asked Fei, “How did that guy help you with Aries?”

“Yeah. We have the same target.”

“Why didn’t you finish him off? He almost killed me,” Benelli said, wiping the ice pack from his bruise.

“I couldn’t handle him,” Fei admitted. Benelli then asked, “Who is he?”

“His name is Matthew. He’s from the Glory clan—he’s the only one left, and he writes under the name Eikou.”

“But, Benelli, we might still run into him on a big mission with the Headless Dragon. We’ve only taken down one so far, Long-wei’s casino. There’s still a lot left to deal with. That was just a small part.”



After the Zodiac mission, we were finally introduced to the true Hun Si. There are many people here—mostly older individuals, large in stature, and with fierce eyes. I would say we are the new generation, but we have been nearly wiped out, leaving only four of us remaining.

After we made our introductions here in Russia, we would be called immediately if there was a new mission. I held Hiro’s hand, as we walked out of the room,

“Katana,” one of them called out to me. I recognized the face as familiar, but I couldn’t place it—maybe she’s from my village...

“Yes, Miss— Li— Xiang?” I read what was on her uniform. I remembered Lisha; they look alike. It’s her mother, I knew it.

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