circumstances | dave east

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AYIRA ANN| ~ | | ~ |

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"I know you aren't sitting in the dark. Ma, where you at?" David yelled walking into the two bedroom family home he shares with his wife of six years, Ayira.

"i'm in the baby's nursery." she calls out in a tired tone of voice.

David walks through the shared living and kitchen area and down the small narrow hall aligning the master bedroom and second bedroom they turned into a nursery for their new bundle of joy.

His smile big coming into the room, "i have a surprise for you." he whispers into her ear, his breathing sends chills down her body.

Ayira bites on her bottom lip, her hormones have been raging since she started her second trimester.

The familiar smell of him filled her nostrils. She could jump his bones right now, but more important things needed to be discussed. "well..i have something to tell you," she says softly, sighing and avoiding his gaze.

David's demeanor changed at her words, "what's wrong?" he asked leaning against the all white hammy down crib that he found at a yard sale with his brother a month after finding out they were pregnant.

He stared at her waiting for her to continue speaking, Ayira fiddled with her natural nails avoiding eye contact as her tears brimmed both of her eyes.

"i was laid off at the hospital." her voice cracks as she meets his direct eye contact.

"what, why?" david frowns, leaning up from the crib.

He walks over to her, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her body. He rubbed small circles on the small of her back trying to soothe her as much as he could.

"damn budget cuts! I gave them seven years of my life and the first thing they do is let me go." she sobs as tears stain her face and his shirt.

"fuck, I'm so sorry baby. i know how much that job meant to you. you'll find something else, somewhere much better than that lousy place." he assures pulling away and kissing her forehead.

she smiles small, "thank you baby, but I'm 5 and a half months pregnant, i do not want to start over somewhere new. then..." she says, cutting herself off.

"what?" he furrows.

He watches as she picks a white piece of paper up from the dresser and hands it to him. He reads the paper and his blood boils. "how can they do this? i asked for an extension. what the fuck! where are we supposed to go?" he semi-yells, anger seeping out.

He clutches the foreclosure notice in both hands, turning his back toward her. "David, please do not do anything drastic. We need you home." ayira says softly following her husband out of the nursery and into the living room.

"i can't make any promises, baby. pack your bags and go to my moms house. I'll be there later. i love you." he says turning to face her, he kisses her lips tenderly before turning his back to her.

She reaches out to grab his arm making him look at her with sad and soft eyes, "do not do what i think you are about to do. you promised to leave that life and start new. me and our son cannot lose you bae." she sighs with glossy eyes.

"what other choices do i have, hmm? I'm an ex con, ayira. ain't nobody giving me a fucking job! i might as well get back in the game, just this once then I'll be done. I promise." he takes her hands into his large ones and look deeply into her eyes, trying to read her mind.

"if you go back out there then me won't see me or our son, i mean it dave." she warns folding her arms across her stomach and chest.

"I'm sorry." he says turning his back to her. He walks out of the house.

Ayira wipes a lone tear from her eyes, sniffling. She packed a few bags and left the house for good. She wasn't going to stay and watch him get himself killed again.

She wanted better for her little family and by any means necessary she would make it happen.

Her love for david ran deep, but all of the sleepless nights and early mornings up worrying about if he'd make it back home to her alive wasn't something she could deal with again. She'd had enough.


i came up with his plot today and needed to write it down, let me know if you'd see this as a book.

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