< 33 > Her broken state

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Abir :)

I was sitting in the lobby, Mivan was inside in the hall for the meeting. In all the chaos I had forgotten my phone, so I was just getting bored.. The door got opened, a few people came outside along with Mivaan.. I stood up as he walked towards me.. "How come you sister didn't call me! It seems like she's really angry, " he said and pulled out his phone from the pocket..

"Damn it, it's switched off, " he replied, I stared at him in disbelief. "Shit! I had plugged the charger, but forgot to turn the switch on! " He added, I rolled my eyes. "Call mishti or sharanya to ask about their whereabouts! " He added as we started walking towards the exit.. "Like you gave me any time to bring my phone! " I taunted him, he got into the driver seat and I sat in the passenger seat..

"You just dragged me outside, " I added, there's a moment of silence between us.. I plugged his phone into the car's charger.. It's slow charging.. I was feeling restless, the unknown strange wave of some emotions were disturbing me from inside.. I looked at Mivaan as he increased the car speed..

I pulled his laptop from the backseat and tried to track their location. They both were in the house, I sighed in relief.. "Are you feeling something suspicious or is it just me? " He said, so he was feeling the same.. Now it scared me.. There's a huge traffic, so he decided to take another route.. It took us extra minutes to reach our house..

From the far off, I could see one door was broken.. Fears started engulfing both of us, he hasn't stopped the car yet and I jumped out of it. My feet froze near the door seeing the droplets of blood. I blinked my eyes twice before entering inside and my heart came to my throat seeing the pool of blood.. I stumbled over my feet..

"Mishti.. Sharanya! " I shouted, Mivan ran towards the drawing room, I went upstairs.. I was constantly calling their name, but got no response.. My whole body started trembling. "Where are they? " He whispered, I went to the drawing room .. My phone was there.. There's a missed call from Sharanya.. I dialled her number, but it's in the house only..

"Someone has broken the cctv camera which was outside, " Mivan informed me, I hit my forehead.. The blood was giving me anxiety, "I am not able to understand anything! What happened here? " I was equally clueless.. We both decided to make a police complaint, but then Sharanya came inside.. She's alone..

I ran to her.. "What happened? Where's mishti? " I asked her, she's crying like anything.. "Can't you take your fucking phone? " She screamed in anger, her condition terrified me.. "Tell me where is mishti? " I asked her, holding her shoulders.. She's not able to say anything, she just forwarded me her phone.. There's a video..

I opened it, Mivaan came to my side to see the video.. My heart came to my throat seeing the underground mafia, Vedant Suryavanshi and his son Yudit Suryavanshi.. My fingers gripped around the phone , the motherfucker slapped her! My blood was boiling in anger and my heart was screaming in pain. I wasn't able to watch the video.. He made her kill the security guard and kissed her, touched her inappropriately, dragged her by holding his hair..

"We had erased all the proof regarding his son's death.. How did he find it? " I whispered, I gave her the phone.. "How did he find out that we're here! I mean such an exact location? " Mivaan asked me, realization hit me hard.. I opened my Instagram account and checked the recent post.. Damn it..

"Mishti has added the location ! " I whisper-yelled, Sharanya took my phone.. "She has mentioned only Goa, she's not mentioned the exact location, " she said, "They got to know Goa, that's enough. They have eyes everywhere, " Mivan added, I ran my fingers in my hair.. We needed to find her soon.. We both walked towards the car , but stopped after realizing about Sharanya..

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