The meeting

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Luffy: Jinbei I think you're right on

Ryo: Yeah unfortunately he's right, I agree

Everyone is shocked

Sanji: come on seriously you two

Nami: you two are seriosuly agreeing too this plan

Jinbei: that's the spirit, I knew you would be

Chopper: luffy, Ryo, listen this may be a bad idea

Brook: you heard his backstory, Bege is a no good crook

Ryo: I'm record isn't exactly clean either, remember I beheaded a celestial dragon and enjoyed it, that's worse in the eye of the government than anything Bege has done

Luffy: Yeah I think it's worth a try

Sanji: hey think it over

Jinbei: I already made the arrangements, when would you like to speak with him

Luffy: Now, let's go!

Jinbei: and don't worry, you may refuse if something feels off, our goal is slightly different from there's anyway, Luffy, Ryo, Sanji, Bege and his men are set up in the  north west part of the island, the eight of us will head directly there from within this dimension we'll see you shortly

Luffy,Ryo and Sanji are running down to where Bege is located

Sanji: we made it, that's his base

They see a castle

Luffy: so this Bege what's he like

Ryo: well you heard Jinbei

Sanji: let's be careful we've never dealt with a cut throat mafia boss before

A guy with a big tongue walks out

??: my hero-lelo, vinsmoke Sanji of germa, welcome back, now this is a treat, I'm delighted that you have made it

Snaji: oh boy it's him

Ryo: (I wanna punch him, I don't know why though)

Luffy: hey you Bege?, let's gather your crew

?: let's not rush things shall we, you could at least give me a hello-Lelo

All three: Screw your Lelos!

Chopper appears without his hat, drinking milk 

Chopper: Oh there you guys are!, 'he runs up to Sanji' Sanji! You made me so worried you bastard!

Sanji picks up chopper: heh, sorry my bad, huh? You look uhh comfortable

Chopper: oh totally, you three come take a bath

Luffy: No we don't have time!, how are you so relaxed, you don't even like baths

?: I'm afraid you have no say in the matter, go scrub up then we'll talk-Lelo

Ryo: so we have to bathe?

Vito: clearly-Lelo, the godfather won't meet with an unclean guest

Sanji: we're not dirty

They look at themselves and realise they are

Ryo: Hey you got any good conditioner? I really need some

Vito: why of course-lelo, anything you need

Ryo is busy relaxing in the bath washing his hair with conditioner

Ryo: (ugh it's been so long since I've had a good wash, this feels good)

He sees luffy and brook with milk

Ryo: Hey pass me one of those would ya, I've got some broken ribs and one of my fangs and chipped

Then a carton of milk is chucked at him and he catches it

All: thanks we needed this

They drink it all and then their bones instantly fix themselves

All: ahh all better

Guy: how the hell is that even possible!?

It's then decided they needed to dress more appropriately

Brook ks looking class and chopper is looking dapper

Ryo walks out

Ryo: ugh I never wear stuff like this

Ryo: ugh I never wear stuff like this

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Brook: Wow!

Chopper: Ryo you look so scary but so cool!

Ryo: Huh? Really? Guess this isn't so bad then

Luffy: Right let's go!

All the crew is dressed up and ready to go

Ryo is walking his sword handle still at his side in case he needs it

Luffy throws the door open

They all sit down

Luffy  keeps asking if people are Bege and even asks a baby but then Bege walks through the door

Bege: Right that should be everybody, your keisters are so clean, you could eat off 'em, right? They say clothes make the man, well I won't humour no mooks who don't care about their appearance 'he sits down' ok there's three and a half hours to go, let's decide, are we doing this or no deal

Big mom's tea part starts in three and a half hours

Let's just see what happens

And that's a wrap

Sorry for the short chapter

But I'm very tired and this seemed like a good time to end 

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