A legend all over again

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Momo starts flying up and exudes power

Luffy: so fly, with your eyes open this time

Momo: I shall!

Ryo: Hey momo, we've got a job for ya, Stop onigashima!

Luffy: as for kaido! We've got this!

Luffy/Ryo: hear that?! You're done for!!

This declaration gets the samurai to find their grit once again, the strawhats also go wild as well

Big mom can't stop laughing

Kid and law are annoyed

Kaido the once again goes to his hyrbid form and starts exuding a ton of power but Ryo and luffy just glare at him

They then start walking forward, their Haki surges

Kaido: You may have scarred me! You may have split the heavens! But throws one thing you can't do! And that's defeat me!

Ryo grins: Hey luffy! Why don't you tag in for a while, I could really use the rest

Luffy grins and throws him some meat

Luffy: sure thing, leave this too me

Ryo uses flash step and sits on a rock eating his meat

Kaido looks angry

Kaido: You don't stand a chance without your brother! You cannot defeat me!

Luffy: as long as I'm alive, I have infinite chances!

The rubber boy and the dragon rush at each other surging with Haki

Until fist meets club and everything freezes. They are both grinning until a huge shockwave echoes through the whole island once again

Then just like his brother before him, Luffy splits the heavens!

Ryo: (When I met him, luffy was just a small weak boy, who couldn't control his temper, but he wanted to be strong, he wanted to be a pirate and when he declared he'd be the pirate king, I swore I'd follow him and make that dream a reality)

Ryo looks up at the moon and can't help laughing

Ryo: Luffy..you really are the freaking best! (Well your graces, it's time to go wild once again) 

Ryo then jumps over to Yamato while still eating

Ryo: Hey Raikou, you ok?

Yamato: I'm injured, but I'll be fine, I am Kozuki oden after all

Luffy: Yamabro! Could you help that oversized coward over there!

Momo: wait! Did you just call me a coward!

Ryo: If the scales fits! Shut up and get moving!

Momo: hang on! Be patient! I'm not a fool I know what must be done, but I can summon my courage in an instant, I need time!

Ryo: so raikou, mind helping him up

Yamato smiles down at Ryo before kissing him and then pulling away soon after

Yamato: absolutely, I'll see you soon Sparky

She then runs over too momo and jumps on momo's back

Kaido: Hey Yamato! Momonosuke! You get back here or die!

Kaido rushes right in too tru and kill them but in a flash Ryo is blocking the attack with his fist

Kaido: Wano lost this fight ages ago! You may be strong! But you aren't strong enough! So give it up!

Ryo: Giving up isn't really my thing! Especially when you try and hurt Yamato!

Ryo sends kaido stumbling back

Yaamto: soon! A new dawn will come to wano!

That's when luffy appears right above kaido holds him in place while momo falls and Yamato jumps after him

Then soon after momo rises right into the sky once again

Then there's a huge explosion and luffy and Ryo are sent skidding back

Kaido: you should know, if you both lose, everyone in this country will become my slave, they'll live for my sake alone and they will die in service to my ambition!, this island cannot be stopped! And soon it will land right on the flower capital! The shogun's palace will be destroyed! The land of wano will become my pirate empire!

Luffy: there's no way momo is gonna let that happen!

Kaido: You're both losing your cool already! Stop barking and face the facts! Those brats are helpless! They can't save wano! And as for you two, I'll make sure to finish the job this time!

Luffy and Ryo bath surge with power again

Kaido: I have something special in mind for you two

Kaido raises his club

Kaido: you two had better  not die until I kill you properly!, you hear me!

Ryo had regained some of his energy but he was still tired but still activated his Haki and rushed on

Together they swung at the emperor clashing with his club creating a huge shockwave

Luffy and Ryo keep on clashing with kaido knowing this is their only chance and they are the only ones capable of doing it

A lot happens down below as the raid is in full swing, while the monsters up above clash creating destruction beneath them


Kaido fires out a huge blast of fire, so luffy and Ryo respond in kind in sync they might their fists on fire

And rush in together

Ryo: (I know this is serious but fighting alongside my brother, against the strongest in the world, I've never had such a blast!)

They jump

luffy: GUM GUM!


they swing their fists down


And that's a wrap

Both brothers have split the heavens
Now let's go 

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