It's unknown to him how long Ryo has been unconscious for but he feels someone shaking him and slowly opens his eyes to see Yamato
Ryo: ..Rai.ko
Yamato smiles widely: yes. You're alive that's great!
Ryo: I.I'm sorry, I couldn't win and now I can barley fight
Yamato ruffles Ryo's hair and smiles
Yamato: it's fine, you gave him one hell of a fight now it's my turn, you just rest up
Yamato gets serious and walks right over the edge of the skull to see kaido standing there
She then calls out to the emperor that she is here to cut ties with him
Kaido: are you sure about that son?
Kaido takes to the skies on his dragon form but Yamato doesn't care
Kaido: don't make me laugh, you're nothing without me! Strawhat has sunk into the sea! Oden's son suffered the same fate, and you're dear Dragonkiller is half dead on the ground!, if you have the will to fight, you should've protected them while you had the chance
Yamato: you've got it wrong! I don't need to protect them, they are both mich stronger than you think, I fight beside them as equals, they will defeat you and they'll bring a new dawn to the land of wano
Kaido: and what happens after that? You think you're gonna break free of this country? Of me?!
Yamato: I am, Ryo will show me the world you kept from me, just like he promised three years ago, the day I found the one I love, but before I leave with him and his brother, I'm kicking you out of this country, understand?
Kaido: you think you can make me leave?
Yamato: you can be a pirate anywhere else you like? But not here!
Kaido laughs and let's loose a tornado and a huge amount of power
Yamato digs her heels in and doesn't move an inch
Kaido: I won't be going anywhere, the land of wano is extraordinary, there's no place like it 'kaido is now in his hybrid form' you'll never defeat me and I'll never leave, so stay with me and become the shogun of this country
Yamato: I told you no! And I know I won't be the one to defeat you! That's going to be luffy and Ryo! Because they are the men Kozuki oden was waiting for! They'll return! Stronger than ever all I have to do is keep you busy till then!
Kaido: don't expect me to go easy on you Yamato! No mercy!
The father and child both put a lot of power into their clubs and swing them at each other
This creates a huge explosion of force but Yamato is sent skidding back
Kaido: Yamato, you must use your strength, you'd make a fine shogun, why don't you shut up and accept it, why don't you understand that father knows best, as shogun of wano you'd be free to use your power however you'd like, who could stop you, the entire country would bow their heads to your dominance
Yaamto: I have no desire to dominate anyone! And won't be dominated by you
"Well I can think of one person she'd like to dominate"
Kaido: what a stupid thing to say, I've heard it all before and every last fool whose said it as ended up dead!
Yamato: if you think they're dead then you're the fool! They will be back soon! In the mean time you have to deal with me!
The clash for a few seconds but kaido basically swats Yaamto away
Kaido: you're tough but you don't know what you're doing, worororo
Yamato: as oden! I'll defend wano, we'll take it back and drive you out for good!
Lightning thrn strikes her as she begins to change, she becomes ferocious gaining claws, fangs and a pair of piercing eyes
They are then seen clashing
Kaido: you're one of us! Here is where you belong! I raised you to protect the land of wano in my stead, Yamato!
Yaamto was being pushed back but once again digs her heels on
Yamato: is that what you think a good father would do!
Kaido laughs: you where a bad child for eating that devil fruit! I worked hard for that and it wasn't intended for you!
Yamato: it's your fault I was starving to death! You think I was happy?! I want to go out to sea and now I can't even swim! Again and again I've tried and failed to finish you off! But every time you've struck me down I've come back stronger!
Kaido: Stronger heh
Yamato: do you know what's kept me on this island, it wasn't those handcuffs, I'm staying her to fight for the freedom of this country! I mustn't falter, for I am oden
Ryo has been resting behind a rock trying his best to regain his strength
Meanwhile their battle rages on
Kaido: the dog dog first, mythical type, your model is okuchi-no makami, it is a treasure you have stolen! You have become wano's guardian deity, Absurd to think that my treasure was eaten by someone who calls himself Oden
Kaido jumps forward and the two begin clashing again
Kaido: but it doesn't have to be a mistake, protect wano for me, be it's guardian deity just like asked you too, it's much easier than what you're doing
Yamato: no! That's a sick joke!
The two contour to clash moving out of the way of each other's attacks
Kaido keeps trying to convince Yamato but
Yamato: I am Kozuki oden
She tosses her club aside
Yamato: and I shall open the borders of wano 'The ground starts freezing' I vow to set everyone free, not just the samurai but all the people of wano! Will join the world after all these years!
She lets loose a barrage of icicles but they are melted by blast breath
Kaido: blast breath!
Yamato: Namuji glacier fang!
Fire and ice clash and cancel each other out
The two continue to stare each the down as the storm rages above them
They clash again
And that's a wrap
Lame chapter I know but needed to get it done, next one is gonna be wild