Kaido and Yamato continue to fight
Yamato is skidding back and is bleeding out
Kaido: that was a good one, you've grown a great deal stronger Yamato, but your efforts are in vain, strawhat and dragon killer are never going to come back
Yamato: they are! I know it! Ryo is close! And he'll be back up on no time!, your taunts are meaningless, you can't drive me to despair anymore! All I see is hope now! For me and for wano!
She jumps into the air and focuses her Haki into the club
Narikabura arrow!
She fires a powerful strike right at kaido but the emperor deflects it easily
Yamato growls
Ryo crackles with lightning, he surges his electro through his body and his Haki along with it, something amazing happens he gets right back up
Kaido has Yamato at club point, telling her she's never going to become oden and to just give up
Yamato: why should I listen, to a man that wants me dead!
Kaido: that was your doing, this isn't a family quarrel and it isn't a game, if you take the name of oden, you must be prepared for war, do you understand
But Yamato hasn't given up yet saying she should not be punished for admiring someone!
That's when yaamto gets right back up
Yamato: I am not afraid of you! Because there are people who believe in me! Who accept me for who I am!
The two start clashing even more fiercely
Yamato's why do you want to take away the freedom of wano's people! To take away my freedom!
Kaido: life is know than just a series of questions and answers! You ignorant brat!
The two clash with an insane amount of ferocity
There's a huge burst of power and that gives our fox boy just the jolt,of energy he needs
Kaido is bleeding as Yamato appears behind him, she covered herself in ice to protect herself and then launched one last attack right at kaido slamming his face into the ground
But then kaido got back up
Kaido: putting on a show are you? You fooled yourself into thinking your apart of wano and now you're challenging me and if your it's hero, Yamato! You're an ogre! Just like me, you'll always be my child! And you'll always have my blood! Everything else is just a lie!
Kaido brings his club down on Yamato surging with an ominous aura and they keep on battling
Yamato: you don't know a damn thing about me!
Kaido just glares down at Yamato
Kaido: you're a sad lonely wre-
Kaido is suddenly sent flying by a fist that appeared out of nowhere
Kaido: Ugh!
He topples over and slams into rock after rock
Then as if a bolt of lightning crashed to the glrund in front of her, standing there is Ryo looking ready to go
Yamato: R...Ryo?
Ryo smirks back at her
Ryo: listen here kaido! I made a promise to your child three years ago! And after that long I'm finally back to do as I said! I am here to defeat you!!