Kinemon: I could scarcely believe my eyes, the people had not lost faith, flourishing was their loyalty to lord oden, witnessing how much wano had changed we despaired as we wandered the tainted lands, our dear home poisoned by neglect, we were all heartbroken altering the future seemed but a distant hope, 'he goes onto to talk about all of the support they have received, anyone who wears a reverse crescent moon is an ally' it was astonishing, that support alone kept out hope alive, know9ng that there was still a chance at improving the future, I entrusted investigation of our foes to Kiku and then myself, kanjuro, raizo and lord momonosuke, where tasked with a journey to gather allies, leaving this country is considered a heinous crime, so once we where sene, we where bounded across the water and then we attempted to navigate our way to Zou, but without the necessary sailing skills, we where ship wrecked, separated from raizo we had no choice but to carry on
He then started being really dramatic by reaching out to raizo
Kinemon: inches from death we washed up ashore on dressrosa, due to his connections with kaido, dolfamingo was hot on our tail, in our haste, Lord Momonosuke mistakenly boarded the wrong ship, 'he then started being dramatic again' ultimately while trying to recover him, I was split up from kanjuro m 'he then starts being dramatic again' and just like that it all escalated so quickly we had barley set foot from our home, I had soon found myself on punk hazard and while seeking lord momonosuke I met Caesar, another ally of kaido, then my now ally sir law, left me in a most desperate state, I was utterly helpless but before too long, you where there
Then they have one more saving grace, they do not consider their alliance a threat, they are then reminded they need to keep their presence hidden from kaido
Ryo: Alright kinemon, I'll do this, but right now under one condition
The crew gasp
Luffy: Ryo?
Nami: what are you talking about
Ryo shakes a little but stops and sighs
Ryo: ok it's time for story, deep in onigashima where kaido is currently living, someone who I care about a lot is currently held captive
Sanji: oh you mean Yamato right?
Ryo: yeah, that's her, the only reason I haven't gone yet, is because I'd be up against all of their strongest members by myself and even I'm not strong enough to do that, so my condition is, during this raid you give me the chance to save her
Kinemon: Tell me, is this loved one of yours strong
Ryo: She's one the strongest people I know, trust me she'll be an amazing ally
Kinemon: in that case I don't see a problem with it
Ryo smiles: Thanks Kin,
Kinemon smiles: why would I keep you from saving the one you love, that would make me a monster and we are trying to defeat one
Ryo: right
Kinemon: Speaking of monsters, our opponents are kaido and orichi, so there is no room for error, we are fortunate though, our assembly is powerful too, the strawhats lead by sir luffy, the heart pirates lead by sir law, the minks tribe, Dogstorm's musketeers and cat viper's guardians, in addition to rebellious samurai with forces growing by the day, there's a number we hope to reach, 5000, however, we do not wish to engage in a needless war, that's why it's crucial to gather information in secret and construct a well calculated plan, we will cease the enemy leaders! And behead them! This is my proposal, like Ryo mentioned there's a place named onigashima where kaido and the beast pirates reside
Ryo: What makes this more interesting is that it's an island, it's not on the mainland of wano so the only way to get there, is by ship,
Kinemon: indeed Ryo is correct, fortuitously it is not far, in fact it's nearly visible from the shore line, we will still require a ship though not a very large one
Sanji: cool we'll figure out those details at a later date, when do you need all of us ready
Kiku: we have a date in mind, the best time would be the night for the fire festival,it's a grand celebration for the people of the capital, simply put kaido himself I believed to be a deity, they think he protects the land so orichi will lead the shogun's procession that day, but that is merely a facade what really takes place is a banquet for magistrates and beast pirates, a fine target
Sanji: makes a lot of sense, so we wait till they get wasted, use that to our advantage and knock those jerks around and the chop the heads off their leaders
They all get their missions to head out and distribute flyers to anyone bearing the mark
Ryo: Alright, I'm going to go and do this, I know the plan and luckily o know my way around wano, so I'll be seeing you
Ryo heads outSanji: this is too be expected, Yamato had waited three years, it makes sense he's getting inpatient
Luffy: sure there's that, but really Ryo just hates seeing people suffer more than anything else
We see Ryo and he looks ready to head out
And that's a wrap
Sorry for the crap chapter, I was in a rush