Ryo watches Franky and brook give big mom one hell of a headache
Luffy: Now nice, looks like they've got things covered for now
Ryo: Yeah well we gotta go, Right up there!
Luffy: Hehe, Yup kinemon is waiting, You ready?
Ryo: Born that way
Somewhere else
Chopper and Ussop are having an annoying run in with some fake ancient giants
Yamato has sent ulti flying and is now running to momonosuke
While that is happening Ryo and luffy get moving and find Yamato, Shinobu and momonosuke
Luffy: Hey Shinobu
Ryo grinning: Don't worry he's our ally, he's gonna help you guys out
Shinobu: an ally?
Luffy: Yeah, it's safer to be with him, then to be by yourselves
Ryo: Look after them, ok Raikou
Yamato grins and nods
Ryo then lunar dances away followed by luff
Shinobu: You're a friend of sir luffy and Sir Ryo
Yamato: I am, Ryo and I are very good friends in fact
Shinobu: well good then I'll trust you
Momonosuke: what is your name?
Yamato jumps over dramatically
Yamato: glad you asked, My name is Kozuki oden! And I shall protect you!
Momonosuke: you're my father?
Shinobu: Lord oden?
Momonosuke: Hold on, you have breasts and horns, why,you're not my father at all!
Shinobu: This is highly suspicious you must be our foe!
Yamato: what?!
Shinobu runs away with momo
Somewhere else but mom wakes up, Franky declares his captain is gonna be king of the pirates and charges up a beam
But that's when the numbers appeared, fake ancient giants
Franky sees one of them is holding the brachio tank and fires it right at the giant breaking it free, but that's when big mom sets her sights on him
But then Jimbei and Robin send her rolling away like a giant pink boulder
We then seee Ryo and luffy staring up at the sky
Luffy: we'll be there soon kinemon
Ryo: Just wait
Right outside the kings of Zou take on their sulong forms looking every bit the beasts everyone knows them as
Together they rush in right at jack
But we cut right back to Luffy and Ryo running around taking out pirates
Luffy: Good I can see the sky
Ryo: Yeah we can make it up from here
That's when they see Queen and some guy informs him that they are there
Queen: What?! They're here!