Luffy and Ryo are still both unconscious
Kaido laughs: Lock the boys up,
Beast pirates: Yes sir
Kaido: Their spirits will be broken in time, then they can join us
Beats pirates: Yes sir!
Kaido: Don't mention a word about pirates in the notice papers, the people in this country don't know a damn thing about the outside world and I want to Keep it that way
Beast pirates: Yes sir! Let's go c.mon
Kaido: worst generation again, little shits, another couple of punkassess who can't cut it
They go to dray them both the brothers let out a wave of conquers Haki knocking them out
Kaido clenches his fist
Kaido: Both of you have it! Pesky runts! Fancy yourselves conquers do you? There's too many already! And none of them worth a damn!
He transforms into a dragon again and flies off to go back to drinking
But now the brothers have been dragged off
All the crew see it and gain weird looks on their faces
In the prison
The brothers are dragged in by cuffs and their bodies are bandaged up a lot
Ryo only has a glaring look on his face, except unlike luffy, he just looks like he doesn't care
He's split up from Luffy and thrown into his own cell
Ryo: (I...don't care what happens too me, I'm getting out of here, and then kaido is going down)
A little while later
We see Ryo pushing something, it's revealed too be a huge stone block, unlike the other prisoners he just as a bomb collar around his neck, the seastone would be useless anyway
Then a while later
He has a small bowl of millet dumplings, he's eating with a trace of emotion
A prisoner sits next to him
Prisoner: So I hear your one of the idiots who picked a fight with kaido and got thrown in here
Ryo gives him a look and then looks back at his food: Yeah what of it
Prisoner: didn't your mommy tell you never to pick a fight you can't win
Ryo: if I followed that advice, I wouldn't be alive right now, what business is it for yours anyway
Prisoner: I was wonder if you would..'he lunges at ryo' Give me your dumplings!
Ryo sighs and throws his bowl into the air before jumping up and striking the guy in the back of the neck with his leg knocking him out
Ryo: No you can't, but I'd be happy to eat yours
He kneels down and eats the prisoners dumplings
Ryo: (I could break out right now, but recent events have told me I'm not strong enough, so I'll play along and get stronger, then after I'm done, Kaido is mine)
Ryo is then seen lifting a huge stone block and carrying it all by himself with some struggles
Then a lot later
He's seem with renewed vigour carrying the stone block with no effort what so ever
He runs up and sees Luffy and Kid doing the same thing