The Tea party from hell

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Ryo is still training with his new power now he's getting it almsot everytime

Ryo: (Tch it feels incomplete but it'll work for now)

With the group

They've got the layout of the whole venue

Ryo is just in the corner chilling out and watches luffy leave saying he's going out somewhere

Ryo then could swear he felt a chill go down his spine

Ryo: (There's someone else at that tea party, another sweet general, not as strong as eclair but equally as dangerous if not more so)

Then luffy returns and starts running around all of Bege's body

Ryo just chuckles and watches then luffy punches him and drags him back inside

The cooks have been shut off and soon the whole venue will be isolated they're also setting up transponder snails too stop communication

Ryo takes out a transponder snail and tries to ring it

Ryo: hmm not working it seems they did it


Ryo and Sanji are together

Sanji: Hey Ryo catch this

He chucks a mini transponder snail at Ryo

Ryo catches it: what's this for

Sanji: knowing you, if anything happens you'll end up getting separated from us and off by yourself fighting someone, so this is for us too keep in touch if something does happen

Ryo nods: good idea, alright just don't go dying that'd really suck since we only just got you back

Sanji puts his hand out

Sanji: of course not you know me better than that, after this whole mess is done we're going back home

Ryo grabs sanji's hand

Ryo: You bet we are! We'll escape from this hell

Sanji: and sail back out too sea

Flashback over

They are all sleeping

Ryo is curled up on the floor

It's time to see whose blood will be shed

Ryo hears a lot of shaking and he wakes up and stretches

Ryo yawns: Ahh what's all this noise about?

Jinbei: You're stupid brother won't wake up! And the wedding is starting right now! Is there a trick too this

Ryo: well what are the symptoms

Jinbei: symptoms

Ryo: what was he doing and what is he dreaming about

Nami: well he was running around a bunch and now he's having food dreams

Chopper: Hey do you have any meat? that should wake him up

Pirate: What meat?

Pirate2: we don't have time for breakfast right now

Ryo: Just do it!

Pirates: Ok!

They run off to get him some meat

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