The worst generation is ready to rock
Luffy: You guys stay out of my way!
Ryo: Nah that's not happening! I want another go at him
Kid: Get in line you two, I'm fighting him first
Bullet: gonna sit and chat all day
Bullet rushes at luffy which he quickly tries to counter but bullet easily overpowers him slamming him to the ground
Ryo is then in his face and his a fist aimed right at his jaw
But bullet just swings his arm and slams Ryo in the gut
Ryo: Argh!
Ryo is sent flying back
Hawkins and Apoo try but they are both swiftly taken care of
Drake tries to bite down on bullet but he's sent flying soon after
Bonney gives it a shot but she's quickly taken care of
Luffy and Kid rush in with their big fists but they a psuhed aside and end up slamming into each other
Luffy and Kid: Hey stupid! Get out of my way!
The fox boy is above bullet and uses Lunar dance to lunge down his fist at the ready
Bullet just blocks it with one arm
Then grabs Ryo squeezing him
He lets out a lot of electricity but bullet just takes it and tosses Ryo too the side
Bege then gives it a shot and unleashes big father who fires cannonballs which do nothing and then Bege is knocked down
Hawkins appears and gives it another shot but he's slammed to the ground soon after
Apoo unleashes his explosive attacks and killer strikes him with his blades but the solider is sent flying and the explosions do nothing
Drake then appears and wraps his tail around bullet, then urouge activates his devil fruit and uses retribution to send bullet flying back
But he quickly recovers
Kid then appears right above him with his giant arm reeled back which he slams down on bullet
Then the brothers rush In together both of them picking up speed
They reel their fists back
Luffy: GUM GUM!
Ryo: Get ready for this!
Both of their fists ignite
They slam their attacks into bullets chest
Bullet is sent flying back a considerable distance
Luffy: I can beat him on my own, see that
Ryo: Oh please half of that attack was mine
Kid: Big deal, you two go to him first