To the rooftop

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The raid goes on everyone is fighting for their lives

There's two fake ancient giants running around destroying stuff

But zoro and jimbei take care of their weapons

Hyogoro: Oh? Mr strawhat's crew is strong, I should've known

We see Luffy and Ryo side eye each other and they both grin

Luffy: they aren't so big

Ryo: Nope not at all

Both brothers run right in

Samurai: What are you two doing?!

Luffy: don't worry we'll show you how it's done!

Ryo: Yeah! We fought a monster like this two years ago!

Luffy: except this time there's two of them

Ryo: Yeah and there's two of us

Luffy: they're as big and as mean as oars

Ryo: and it took all our power combined just to defeat one of them

Luffy/Ryo: Not this time!

They fist bump and split up rushing at their respective opponents

Ryo rushes right in jumping over the beast fist and running along its arm

Ryo: Ha! Flash step!

Ryo bolts right upwards and appears above the giant in his Kageokami form

Ryo: Kageokami!

Luffy bursts out on his bounce man form

Hyogoro: Wow! That power! He looks like the god of fire himself and Ryo well he certainly looks powerful too! Like the god of lightning

Ryo dive-bombs the giant his fist at the ready while luffy soars upwards towards his opponent

Luffy: Gum Gum!

Ryo: Abyssal!

And then a third fight appears right above the third giant!

Drake: X!

King Gun!/Stormbreaker!/Calibur!

And all 3 behemoths fall to the ground

Luffy, Ryo and Drake are all falling

Drake: dammit,Straw hat luffy! I can't explain now but I am an army of one! Let me help! Let me fight beside you! I'm not your enemy!

The three of them land falling out of their form, Ryo does a front flip and emerges back as himself

They are all breathing kinda heavily and Ryo and luffy are staring down drake

Luffy: I think I know you

Ryo: Yeah his name is Drake, his a member of the worst generation but he's been a part of kaido's crew for a little while now, why do you want to take down kaido?

Drake: I can't tell you why! But I assure you our goals align

That's when zoro comes out of nowhere and starts clashing with drake

Zoro: whatever you want from us, we are too late in the game to deal with this crap, Luffy!, you know what's he done right?

Ryo: yeah I just said he's a member of kaido's crew

Drake: listen! I left that position and they want me dead

Zoro: Oh, so now you want our protection?

Franky: I don't want backstabbers anywhere near by captain

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