Big mom just squashed queen
Big mom: Gimme my soup!
Big mom appears in front of the brothers and Hyogoro
Hyogoro is terrified: who is this towering old lady?
Luffy: you need to keep your distance old man, that old lady, is an emperor
Ryo: Which means she's just as much of a threat as kaido himself
Hyogoro: What! Really?
Big mom is sniffing
Daifugo: Master Queen!
Queen slowly rises too his feet
Queen: Stop your cowering, it's pathetic, I'm not done yet! You think one hit from some granny is gonna beat me!
Queen jumps reallt high into the air and then starts falling down and aims to crush big mom
There's a huge crash followed by a schowabe
But big mom just caught him, Queen starts getting cocky and then brings up the red bean soup again which gets big mom angry, so she slams queen to her ground once again
Big mom: Well what happened! Aren't you gonna get up lizard boy?
She then picks him up and starts tossing him around, the trio just to duck under queen whose being swing around by big mom
The trio actually get down when she throws queen right over their heads and into a wall
The prison then starts falling apart but luckily that means kid and killer are out of the water
Ryo: Hey Kid! You aren't dead right?
Kid: Oh shut up! Of course I'm not!
Ryo: figured as much, (he's way too stubborn to die so easily and in a place like this)
Queen then falls to the ground and transforms back, Queen has been brought down in only two hits, none of the snails are working either for some reason and that reason is caribou
Big mom is still searching frantically for the red bean soup, until she finds a huge tub of it
And then takes the lid off and looks in, to find absolutely nothing
Warden: alright men! Evacuate immediately!
Every beast pirate starts running
Ryo: Big mom is really bummed out huh?
Luffy: I can't really blame her I guess, I'd kill for a couple extra blows myself 'Ryo's ear twitches' that soup sure was tasty
Big mom then turns to them
Ryo: (Well should've seen this coming)
Hyogoro: Mister strawhat
Luffy: hmm
Warden: it was you!
Beast pirates: You're the one who ate it!?
Luffy: what why is everyone looking at me all weird?
Ryo: because you just admitted that you ate the soup, I mean sure it was delicious but you didn't need to say it so loudly, wait!
Beast pirates: You ate it too!
Ryo: shhhit
Hyogoro: I think the harm has already been done
Then something is thrown at them
Ryo jump into the air and kicks it away, it was the pot that had the soup in it
If mom then looks at them angrily
Big mom: Hey, did I hear you two correctly?, are you the ones who ate all the red bean soup? 'She sniffs them and gets even angrier' The sweet scenes is all over both of you!
She then attacks them and they immediately run away
Ryo skids to a halt managing to stay on his feet while the other two are on the ground breathing heavily
Ryo: (Damn all that fighting with her back on whole cake island is paying off)
Ryo takes a step bakc but then hears his collar going off and immediately gets back in the ring seeing the other two do the same
Luffy: Holy crap! That was a close one! If we leave the rig our heads pop off
Big mom: You'll pay with your life!
Luffy puts his hands out: Wait! give me a chance to work things out big
mom!Big mom: Why do I keep hearing that stupid name! That person is not me! You're just a rotten soup stealer what do you know?
She launches a fist and destroys the ring a bit more meaning the brothers have to jump away again
Ryo: (dammit I remember her last rampage, that wasn't fun)
Luffy: this is bad like really really bad?
Ryo: Not shit
Hyogoro: and our lives are in danger! Because of these collars we can't back down not even a single step
Big mom: the pot is so big! I could've shared it! That poor little town! I wanted to thank them for being nice, I wanted to repay them, they had so little but they gave me a stranger so much, I only wanted to bring them some of that yummy red bean soup, now it's too late for that, you two took the joy away from those poor people! You didn't leave a drop! How could you! You little brats!
They are all blown out of the ring
Ryo: Oh shit! (I'm sorry you two! But I can't die here! 'He then hears two explosions and smirks, he focuses his Haki into his collar and shatters it, the lands and does the same with his wristbands
Warden: What!? They took them off!
Luffy: Ryo! Are you ok!
Ryo: Yeah! Better than ever! I've finally got that damn collar off, that thing weighed a ton I can finally move the way I want!
Luffy: Aww yeah!
Big mom is still there though
Big mom: you won't get away that easily!
Ryo: alright I'm free let's run!
Luffy: Yeah! Come on old man
Hyogoro: Wait you two, just one more thing before you forget that feeling, protect me from big mom, in the midst of danger is when true power blooms!
Ryo grins: He's right! Flash step!
He's suddenly in front of big mom
Luffy jumps in front too
Luffy: you want me to train now! If we mess this up you die
Hoyogoro: I'm aware of that
Ryo: Hey I've fought her off before, and I was weaker then, we've got this!
Luffy: Ha! This is gonna be interesting, let's use Ryuo!
Ryo: Oh hell yeah!
Big mom: My sweet! Red bean soup!
Luffy: Come on! I won't budge!
Ryo: Neither will I! So emperor of the sea! Let's do this!
And that's a wrap
Ooh intense, sorry for the weird chapters today, gotta have some boring ones thrown in there