The final legendary journey

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The crew travels too binks brew

Meanwhile our resident demon is surfing every wave that comes his way while of course singing along

The akuma is aboard the ship as crocus is giving roger his medicine

Oden to roger: Are you not feeling well?

Roger: I'm fine nothing to worry about

Akuma: Yeah that's bullshit and you know it

Crocus: what he said, best case scenario he's got a year or so to live

Oden is shocked but Roger laughs

Roger: got to catch the wind in my sails, while I can


Oden: Why is the log pose suddnely pointing up, is this thing broken?

Akuma: Not in the slightest it just seems there's something even more fun ahead of us

Roger: If that's what it says, then let's go

Akuma: right behind you

Oden: go where?

The duo turn around and point to the sky

Roger/Akuma: Up there


Roger: Here goes that's the Knock up stream ahead!

Akuma: Yeah let's do this!

And the torrent blasts them upwards right into the sky

They ride the White Sea all the way to skypiea

Oden: a sky island!

They are welcomed by a man named Ganfall

A lot of intense things happen

Akuma discovers dials and immediately adds it too his surfboard then rides around at unbelievable speeds

But then stops and gives it too a man

Pagaya; but this is remarkable why would you leave it with me?

Akuma: I imagine a while from now, someone who looks a lot like me will appear and if he's anything like me, he'll want a board so keep it safe for me, on this sky island

Pagaya: in that case, please allow me to hand over this

Pagaya: in that case, please allow me to hand over this

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Akuma: Wow awesome! Thanks old guy!

He grabs the board and leaves Pagaya would never see akuma again but would get a flashback when meeting his son

Pagaya: I wonder if he knows I'm not that much older than him

Then akuma has a meeting with a giant snake and finally the city of gold, shandora

Then they find a giant golden bell, or the grand belfry

Akuma knew where it was the voices from within the stone where echoing, it was speaking of a great power

It was speaking;g of a weapon named Poseidon

Roger got oden to carbe in a message

Akuma just grinned that whole way through, then they where headed back to the blue sea

Then they fall from the sky and are caught by an octopus balloon

Then it runs out of air and they hit the ocean again

Then shanks and buggy argue over which pole is colder

But Rayleigh stops them

Rayleigh: anyway, Roger, what's next on the agenda?

Roger: now that's easy, our new goal will be the last island on the grand line, however we will require copies of all four road poneglyhs to find it's location

Oden: you mean like the one we already found, there is one in the land of wano

Akuma: Yeah Zou has one too

Cat viper: Mhmm the mokomo dukedom has one

Roger: all this time you guys had stones back home?!

Oden: it's different from the last one though

Cat viper and dog storm: it's coloured red

Roger: but that's the kind I need most! You should've told me sooner!

Shanks: let's get em, and then two more to go

Roger: well with a little effort but I nabbed a rubbing of Lin lin's stone so wiht your help I'll have three

Akuma: and as luck would have it, I have a hunch where the fourth one is

Rayleigh: nice work akuma

But then to repair damages, they headed to water seven the city of water, filled to the brim with shipwrights, including a certain fishman named Tom

They all shared a good laugh

Akuma's eyes where caught by a certain young shipwright who seems to like onto wearing underwear and a shirt

But soon their vessel was repaired and they headed out

Once again singing binks brew

They saw a lot of amazing place, an island full of dangerous and powerful animals, an almost never ending bridge

Then it was down to the bottom of the ocean, Fishman island

Then Roger, Akuma and Oden all heard voices

"The birth is at hand, our sovereign will soon be born"

But they had no idea who it was

But still they visited, Neptune nearly killed them but he calmed down quickly

then soon after they where talking and the gate of fishmen island was attacked and destroyed by the sea kings

The fortune teller says that the sea kings are restless waiting for the mermaid princess to be born

Then they are reading the road poneglyph, an apology from someone named joyboy but then he lead slightly further it mentioned something about, a companion of joyboy but nothing more than that

But they move onto the ancient weapon Poseidon, the kings future daughter but thanks to the fortune teller they won't be born for about another decade

They went right back to travelling after and back to binks brew, dealing with islands that was plagued by lightning, they just had an absolute blast

But this was only part of the journey another part will be explained next time

And that's a wrap

I just wanted to do this, promise it'll be more fun next chapter

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