Luffy and Ryo charge through
They meet up with the minks and rush right up too the stairs
Ryo stops on the stairs
Ryo: Thank you everyone, I bet Pedro is looking down on all of us now and cheering us on, I just know it, So I'll see ya, I'm gonna take down kaido!
Ryo rushes right after his brother
Ryo once again has another memory flash into his mind
*Flashback to Ace,Ryo and Yamato*
Yamato: ooh that was good! You pirates know some funny tricks, teach me how to do that one too, um hello?
Both Ace and Ryo have passed out and Yamato is freaking out, they then wake up
Ace: Oh crap
Ryo: dammit I think we fell asleep again
Yamato: don't freak me out like that! I thought you two where dead!
Ace: My Bad, I do that sometimes
Ryo: Yeah it's really annoying
They wipe their faces on Yamato's kimono
Yamato: I was worried about you two!, well whatever if you're tired we should call it a night, I mean you both look like you want to go
Ryo: Nah, that's stupid
Ace: Yeah! No-one is calling it a night just yet! It'd be a waste to go to sleep don't ya think!
Yamato grins: ok but you both better not fall asleep
Ryo: We'll try
Ace: now where was I?
Ryo: you where talking about luffy obviously
Ace: oh right and Yamato was talking about how she wants to be Kozuki oden
Yamato: You're close but not quite, I don't want to be him, I will be! I'll make my dream come true, it's all right here, my map to the future
She holds up oden's journal, a tale of his adventures across the world
Then Ace says something, something amazing
Ryo: Argh! Come on Ace! You can't go sharing something like that!
Ace: Aww crap! It just slipped out! Dammit! Just forget I said anything
Ryo: You better not laugh at that!
Ace: that's right! There's no way, Ryo, Sabo and I won't stand for it!
Ryo: But since you know, that's our brother's dream, even too this day
We get a shot of when they where kids
Sabo: we're gonna leave this country someday, set out too sea and live free,and after I've travelled the world I'm gonna write a book about all of my adventures and I won't even mind doing it because I love sailing, so let's become stronger, because we're gonna be pirates!
Ryo: Of course we are! I'm going to live my life as a free as I can be! and become so strong that I'll be the one that stands at the top where my strength is second to none! I'll be the strongest in the world!
Ace: I feel the same way as both of you do I'm gonna be a pirate anyway I'll be so tough that all the pirates and all the marines will bow at my feet, everyone in the world will know my name that's gonna be the legacy I leave behind when I die, I don't care if they hate me, I don't care if they wish I'd never been born but they won't ignore me that's what it means to be strong to be a great pirate