Ryo is standing again kaido, white and black lighting surging around him like his own personal storm
Ryo: Luffy's voice is gone, kaido you killed my brother
Kaido growls: you know for a fact that's not what happened!
Ryo: yeah I know, that's when I'm going to impose a five second truce while we get rid of that pest
Kaido: agreed! Then I want to see what this form of yours can do
Kaido and Ryo surge with power and rush at the member of CP0
Kaido/Ryo: I'll kill you!
There's a gargantuan explosion the two unbelievably powerful fighters are now facing each other down as the hole to the performance floor opens up
Kaido: I thought everyone should see this!
Ryo: that's fine by me!
Kaido/Ryo: Let's finish this!
Everyone sees Ryo in his new form
Nami: is that Ryo?!
Tama: wow big bro looks so cool! He looks strong enough to beat kaido!
Kaido: So now that you've lost your brother, are you going to fight hard to avenge him
Law: did he say lost his brother?
Kid: dammit, what the hell happened to that stupid Strawhat
Law: it doesn't seem to matter because what's ever happening to Ryo, it's insane!
We then go right back to the fight
Ryi then let's out a roar that sounds like thunder echoing through the sky
Ryo: can everyone hear me!
Everyone stops to listen to Ryo
Ryo: Luffy has been struck down! Right now I'm left fighting this guy by myself! But don't worry I can handle it! All you guys need to worry about is fighting the good fight you got it!
All the samurai rise to their feet and the strawhats grin
Franky: roger that bro, kick his ass!
Brook: Yohoho, that's Ryo for you, always putting on a show
Sanji smirks hearing this
Sanji: well looks like Ryo is even stronger now, guess that means your boss is done for
Queen: what's even happening now!
Tama: go big bro!
Ryo hears all their voices echo through his mind and smirks
Ryo disappears from view and kaido swings around too see Ryo might be behind him or above him but he's neither
Ryo them appears in front of him punching him in the face as the sound of an electric guitar starts to ring through his ears
Ryo: wow! My heart sounds cool! I wonder what else I can do! Only one way to find out! Arashi onslaught!
Ryo pumches kaido once again it causing him to flinch and then again it pushes him back and then Ryo keeps on speeding up over and over again punching and kicking his hits getting harder and harder as the guitar sound rings through their ears he pushed kaido further and further back delviering harder and harder strikes with every pumch
Kaido: (how is this possible!, every strike he lands the next one seems to be even stronger, hit hurts more, it's faster and it has more weight too it, what even is this