The Raid rages on

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Kid is standing over Apoo and then grips him with his metal arm and it's revealed Apoo was an informant for kaido and that's how he got captured, Apoo tells him that they could've never taken down one of the four emperors and then blasted him sending kid flying

Apoo is laughing, but kid just gets back up ready to fight and then starts going on a rampage with his devil fruit, Killer also starts tearing apart pirates

Then a whole lot of stuff happens and Luffy, Ryo and kid are together

Luffy: Let's go! Make a dash for the castle!

Ryo: He's right! We can't afford to waste time on these punks! We've gotta get up there and bring down an emperor! So we can't slow down now!

Kid: Yeah I know!

Then huge giant like creature appears  and the two members of the kid pirates jumped into fight it while the trio ran

They then meet up with zoro and keep going

Luffy: ugh, dumb jaggy, I knew you'd cause a scene as soon as you ran off! Grow up!

Zoro: I don't think have you room to talk, honestly

Kid: and the same goes for you Roronoa!

Ryo: you guys are all immature, we've got business to take care of let's keep going

Kid: Hey! You're the same as us!

Luffy: Yeah seriously don't go acting all high and mighty

Zoro: Seriously you are as bad as your brother

Ryo growls clearly very annoyed

Luffy: Ok here's the plan for here, we'll sneak in real quiet you got it!

Kid: Why the hell would I listen too you!

Kid and luffy then keep arguing 

Ryo sighs: well this just means I'll take down kaido on my own! Bye!

Zoro: Hey wait up!

Ryo: sorry gotta keep up!

Kid/Luffy: Hey wait!

Ryo: I don't wanna near complaining I've had hatred towards that overgown lizard for 3 years, you've had it for what about a month! This fight is mine!

Kid: Oh please like I care about that?!

Luffy: We agreed to fight together!

Ryo: Yeah well plans change!

They all keep on running but they get blasted again by Apoo

Ryo: Seriously this guy again

Luffy: He seriously sucks

Zoro: yeah he's got some range

He laughs at them but they are forced to ignore it and run

He then launches another attack but the 5 of them cover their ears

Ryo: (fuck with my hearing this stings)

They all keep running

Killer: I think I've figured it out, appo's attacks are only effective within earshot so once you hear him it's too late to dodge, he's fast so be ready

But turns out they where still covering their ears so they kept running but then killer explains it again

They keep having too beat up beast pirates but keep running together

Luffy and kid keep arguing but Ryo doesn't care

Then there's a lot of beast pirates but they just keep going

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