The tides of time

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We see a powerful ship, known far and wide as a ship that sailed every sea in the world

The one that held the pirate king

The Ora Jackson!

We see the legendary man sailing on that ship

Gol D Roger: Good Ale! Blue skies! What a day!

And there's another legendary man there

Oden: It's been a honour travelling these seas with you, Thank you Roger!

Roger: what are you going on about you big dope!

The someone else walks out, someone with long red hair and an eyepatch

Akuma: Seriously Oden, we should be thanking you

Roger: Ain't that the truth! The whole crew should be thanking you!

Crocus: You're drinking too much again! Dial it back

Roger puts his face right into crocus's

Roger: maybe! If my doctor wasn't so drunk! I'd listen to him!

They growl at each other

Crocus: Well I'm drunk and I'm concerned about your health ok! 'Crocus punches him and roger stumbles to the floor' now lie down and get some rest 

Roger: that was some bitter medicine doc

Crocus: it was a cure for stupidity

Roger: Ha! You need it too!

The two then start fighting and then they are both knocked back

Roger and crocus: Huh!?

Akuma: come on boys, let's brawl

He rushes in at them and they have a three way fight then someone shocks akuma

He turns around and sees ember looking annoyed

Ember: Seriously Akuma, do you always have to fight

Akuma: Of course I do! After all I am the demon of the sea!

oden makes a speech

Oden: I shall open up the land of wano! Together we should await the coming of a new world! In twenty years!

Roger: are ya sure, you're ready?

Oden: Yeah!

Akuma: well then good luck!

Oden: Don't worry my friends, we shall not fail!

Then 25 years later

Ryo is mediating working on something new, his Haki and electro sparks everywhere

He doesn't care about the armour, he just keeps his eyes closed focusing on what he wants to find

He then hears a loud noise and walks out of the forest

Ryo: Alright! Some of us are trying to mediate here! 'He sees zoro and Sanji get knocked out by Nami' oh never mind then

Nami: what are you idiots doing?!


Robin: apparently it's winter at the entrance of onigashima, so Orochi said

Nami: oh it'll be cold

Shishilan: and what do you gara mean by entrance

Carrot: maybe onigashima has unpredictable weather like the rest of wano, either way the cold shouldn't be a problem since we are covered in fur

Shishilian: true but it is not the season that is our concern

Concelot: it is the forecast

Giovanni: there's supposed to be a full moon that night but if it is hidden behind the clouds that won't help us

Nami: oh that's right, 'she looks at carrot' if all the other minks transform like you then this raid will be a walk in the park

Ryo: don't forget about me as well

Nami: oh right!

Wanda: but remember our transformations are always a bit of a gamble, if master cat viper and the guardians arrive in time they are still going to be the greatest assets that we've got

Luffy then walks to a cliff

Luffy: it bugs me that big mom is here, especially since Jinbei isn't here yet, it especially bothers me because he's the one that fought her so we could escape

Ryo: I'm worried about him too, but remember he is strong

Luffy: but he was going to join our crew

Zoro: and we'd be happy to have him, we still have some time, he'll come

Ryo: he wouldn't die

Luffy: yeah you're right, he'll be here!

Ryo walks off to train again

Ryo: (Yamato, just a little while longer ok, I promise I'll be there soon, and then I'll free you, take down kaido, Then we'll sail out to sea) but to do that I must get even stronger!

He sits down on the ground and let's his energy flow through his body, his Haki and electro sparks

Ryo: (dammit that's not it, I have to get this!)

And that's a wrap

Short chapter unfortunately but I enjoyed it

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