100 chapters this seems appropriate somehow
Luffy and Ryo are falling very quickly and then their momentum is stopped by Yamato
They had both fallen asleep, Ryo snuggles into her embrace
Then cat viper's rings out
Ussop: Ywah! You showed him Luffy! And Ryo too of course! Way to do it!
Ussop runs off
All the samurai are cheering
Kid and Law are depressed as hell, they may have defeated big mom but something doesn't feel right
Nami: They did it! Luffy and Ryo beat kaido!
Tama: Yeah big bros! You did it! Both of you!
Nami: I knew they could do it! Otama we won!
Otama: you said it!
Marco: nice work Ryo, pops and Ace would be proud, oh and Izo too of course
Sanji: what a pain but at least it's all over now I guess
The best pirates will not quit but that's when Yamato appears
Yamato: beast pirates! Lay down your arms at once! You not only lost to your enemy but you would've died if not for their aid
Beats pirate: what are you trying to say?
Yamato: when kaido was defeated his clouds vanished, who do you think stopped this island from falling, ko-zu-ki momonosuke, The leader of our troops!
Beats pirate: so what you're saying is your our enemy now
Yamato: that will be your decision, you owe wano your live, if you bare your fangs and Lord momonosuke, I'll be happy to take what he's due!
Then the ground beneath them collapses and the whole island shakes
But then Momo puts on a show in his dragon form before the remaining Akazaya nine walk out of the smoke
Too reveal that lady Kiku' swords where true and it's B-road caused throughout the country
But elsewhere
Brook/Frank/Ussop: Huh?!!
Franky: you're kaido's son!
Yamato: Yup that's me! My name is Yamato but you can also call me Kozuki oden, today I will be joining your crew, nice to meet you
Nami and Ussop: What?!
Franky: wait you're gonna join the strawhats
Yamato: mhmm
Robin: wait did you say Yamato as in Ryo's
Yamato: Bingo! Ryo and I share a truly special bond
Everyone is shocked
Franky: wait you're Ryo's girl! I knew I recognised that name!
Yamato: Ryo's girl huh? Sure let's go with that
Franky: well in that case you've got my vote!
Robin: Yup mine too
Sanji: of course, anyone who cares about Ryo that much deserves a spot
Ussop: I'm all for it
Nami: yup me too
Brook: absolutely
Jimbei: I don't object, and since and Ryo share this bond as you say then I doubt our captain will have an issue either
Yamato: I hope they are ok after all that, the way they fought it was amazing, both of them seemed so free, they fought the way they wanted too and they where so strong, it was incredible, I wish you'd all been there too see it