The chaos at the Tea party

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Big mom launches Prometheus

Luffy, Ryo and Jinbe are now surrounded by fire

Big mom: you've really messed up! Prepare to die! You buffoons! 'She swings her hand with Prometheus' Burn in hell!

She launches the fire at them but they successfully dodge

Ryo: alright that was way too close!

Ryo then hears a shattering noise

They all turn when they hear someone shout that the portrait of mother Carmel was destroyed

And the one that did it was brook

Big mom looks devastated

Chopper and Nami: Way too go!

Luffy, Ryo and Jinbe: He did it!

Luffy: nice work!

Big mom is still processing it

Brook tears off his mask

All of the people invited scream

?: he ripped the skin off his own face!

Brook: come on! This is my face!

All: he's so freaky!

Brook: what no!

Big mom: soul king is that you, you're alive, I thought you died

Brook: well..I did but it was years ago

Big mom: what have you done?, do you know who that is?, Oooh my picture, my picture, oh poor mother

Ryo: (why isn't she yelling)

Big mom: do you have any idea what you've done here and you monsters have destroyed  my lovely wedding cake, too!

Ryo: (so that's what's happening....she's in shock)

That's when all the big mom pirates stsrt to attack them

Jinbe: Luffy, Ryo, we must stand firm until big mom begins to scream and panic

Ryo: Got it, do you think conquers Haki would work

Jinbe: I'm afraid not, these are all pirates from the new world, you'd be wasting your energy

Luffy: So let's just kick their butts

Jinbe: essentially yeah

The trio begin fighting off big mom pirates

Ryo is about to be struck by a sword when he catches it and crushes it in his bare hands

He looks behind him

Ryo: just go away

He strikes the man in the gut and he doesn't move just seems to cough out blood then fall to the ground

Ryo: (he'll be fine, probably)

He keeps on fighting foe after foe until his ears twitch and he sees Pedro fighting oven

Pedro is on his knees

Oven: I think I remember you, Pedro! You where Pekoms' brother in arms weren't you, if I recall correctly you lost your eye and a chunk of your life, when you miserably failed to steal mama's poneglyph, by daring to show your face here again, I can only assume you're ready to die!

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