The sunny is on the way too it's next destination
The land of Wano!
Our fox boy is currently on his beloved hammock taking a nap
He wakes up when he hears Sanji getting beaten up
Ryo wakes up and yawns
Luffy: Hey Ryo! Come and check this out
Ryo: hmm
Ryo disappears and using shave then appears next to luffy
Ryo: Oh it's about the reverie
Luffy: Yeah and that's Vivi
Ryo: Oh so that's the Vivi you guys talk about the princess of Alabasta
Luffy: Yup! It's been such a long time
Nami: yeah she looks so elegant and formal now
Brook: oh I hope I get too meet her someday
Ryo: yeah me too
Brook: do you think Vivi might be interested in showing me her panties
Nami: I don't think so!
Nami beats up brook
They continue looking and see viola from dressrosa
Chopper: ugh! Wapol!
Luffy: oh and acorn guy
Nami: Huh? Wapol why is he there?
Ryo: Whose Wapol and Acorn guy?
Nami: Acorn guys name is really Dalton looks like he's the new king of drum or as it's now called the cherry blossom kingdom
Ryo: yeah wait drum isn't that where you're from chopper
Chooper: Yup! But before Wapol was our king until we where attacked by the Blackbeard pirates, then when the crew arrived he came back soon after but luffy sent him flying who knows where
Ryo: Oh so he's a scumbag then
Chopper: that's not even the half of it
Luffy: oh looks it's Rebecca and Sai, I know a lot of these guys
Ryo: Yeah we really have made a lot of friends
Nami: no kidding but I suppose any royalty we know would be at the reverie that's kinda the point
Sanji: if that's the case, than that means all the princesses I've ever met are in the same place at the same time, I bet they're all getting excited talking about me
Ryo: I doubt it they're probably talking more about luffy than you
Sanji: Huh! What did you say!?
Ryo: you heard me!
Sanji: I thought without moss head around I wouldn't have to argue with someone
Ryo: It's when you get a big head like that is when I get annoyed!
They glare at each other
Nami: hey chopper do you see?
They suddenly hear chopper scream
Chopper crying: it's doctorine!
Sanji: Uh..the old bags still alive