The raid is appraoching

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Chopper is making an antibody

Luffy and Ryo are squirming in pain

Ryo is managing to stay quiet and still while luffy is spazzing out and screaming

Chopper: Ryo open your mouth

Ryo does and chopper pours something into it and he swallows it 

Then the medicine works it's magic and Luffy rises to his feet and asks for food

Ryo soon as a big bowl of dumplings in front of him and devours them all

Ryo: Ahh! Yeah! Please can I have more?

Tama: eat as much as you want

Chopper: Both are looking healthy, I'm glad you two are feeling better

The plague has been completed neutralised

They  compliment chopper and he does his tsundere thing

Luffy and Ryo get up

Luffy: Alright! Powered up and ready to go!

Ryo: thanks for all your help guys

They all smile at them

Ryo: alright well next stop kaido!

Luffy: Yeah! Let's go!

The two are seen training even more

Luffy: Still not it! How are you doing Ryo

Ryo: Hmm I can get it about twice every three times, so not perfected yet but getting close

Luffy sighs: you're better at this than me

Ryo: just experience little bro

Chopper: what's are you two doing! You still need to rest! Come with me!

Luffy: we can't, we've gotta get ready for the raid

Ryo: which means we need to master this technique

Chopper: Huh? What technique?

Hyogoro: it's called Ryou, training hard are you? Then I'll be your sparing partner, come at me and don't hold back

Ryo: sounds good, you go first luffy

Ryo goes back to training

Luffy gets blown back by Hyogoro

At the same time Ryo destroys a rock without touching it

Turns out Tama has tamed the warden, so now everyone thinks they've been captured

And now all the prisoners like them

Then some more people appear

They are the leaders of the underground and they now bow to Hyogoro

They even almost kill luffy after he kills hoyogoro old man

Ryo just ignores them and trains, slowly but surely getting the hang of Ryuo

They are all getting ready to go

Ryo: (Onigashmia is next, that's where Yamato is, I'll be there soon)

They don't stop training

It's six days till the raid

Luffy and Ryo just keep on punching

Ryo has now upped his training and is working on using ryou through his sword alongside using his fists and feet too

He just doesn't stop remembering everything he's been through, Yamato, his fight with kaido

5 days until the raid

Later Ryo is seen resting by himself looking at his sword

Ryo: I feel there's a secret here, sure it's much stronger than my last one but this one feels different like there's something locked deep inside but I can't do it here, when I get out of this prison I'll train it

He then gets up and goes back to training

Ryo just keeps on training but his mind doesn't leave his sword, thinking abiht what could be in it, but then his mind flashes back to something

Ryo: there was a book I found encased by sea prism stone, at the time I couldn't break it, but I can now, I wonder what is in that book

Ryo just doesn't stop training, he's even started using his Kageokami form and just keeps going

Ryo: This form still requires a lot of energy, my Haki has improved but with the advanced stuff it's still just as taxing, and with kaido it's going to be a drawn out battle, so it need to get used to it

He gets back to training and does it rigorously

And then after a while he falls asleep and is taken out of the prison 

He curls uo like a fox on the forest floor

Then a while later Ryo wakes up

The Akazaya heads out

Ryo is then stop in front of zoro who has a new sword

Ryo: So Zoro, got yourself a new toy did ya?

Zoro: You betcha, it's a real piece of work, but if I master it I'll be even stronger

Ryo: Well there's something locked deep inside of this sword and I want to bring it out

Zoro: Oh then I guess

He draws enma and Ryo ignites his blade

The two focus and rush at each other and there's a huge shockwave destroying many trees

Ryo: Wow that new sword is a beast

Zoro: you're telling me! It feels like it's eating my Haki

Ryo: that's what my sword feels like sometimes too but it feels like it's taking my electro as well

Zoro: Oh so maybe your father was able to do that

Ryo: wait so, he used a sword of this calibre and made it so the only one who could use it too it's full potential

Zoro chuckled: was his own son

Ryo couldn't help but chuckle as well

Ryo: (thanks dad), alright zoro, let's go again!

Zoro: Yeah!

The too rush at each other again clashing sword against sword

Ryo: (Yes! With my new Haki added too it this blade feels not only stronger it feels right, it feels comfortable, like it's where it belongs)

And then alter Ryo is sitting in the woods the book in his hands

Ryo shatters the sea prism stone around it and opens the book

His eyes then widened and he flips through the pages and then a smirk appears on his face

Ryo: (so that's it huh?, alright dad, it appears it can grow even stronger)

He picks up his sword, and ignites it this time it's crackling with Haki as well

Ryo: (my electro flows throughout my body, and so does my Haki now, what would happen, if I put them on the same wave length, instead of combining them I made them one, just how strong could I become) and jjst in time for the raid, alright Yamato, only a little while longer, soon you'll be free and kaido will be gone 

And that's a wrap

Can't wait to continue this story

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