Stampede part 1

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Sorry if you wanted wano immediately, I figured why not have some fun

The gang is on the ship ready to rock

Ryo is sitting on top of the birds nest enjoying the sun and the breeze

Ussop: my dearest pirates hailing from far and wide you are cordially invited to the worlds largest banquet where we shall share a toast between allies and enemies alike, come as you are leave as you like, but you won't want to miss the one and only pirates fest, sincerely buena festa captain of the festival pirates!

Luffy: It's party time!

Chopper: We're almost there!

Ryo: (This is gonna be a blast)

There's a treasure from gold roger there too

Ryo jumps down

Ryo: This sounds great! Even if it might be too good to be true

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Ryo: This sounds great! Even if it might be too good to be true

Nami: that is what I said, seems too good to be true

Robins Buena Vista was the king of all parties, a famous pirate said to hold many dark secrets, his network of merchants and informants would make this festival possible, but it could also just be an imposter using his name, the man is long dead after all

Franky: A dead man and the pirate kings lost treasure

Sanji: well we'll figure it out soon enough, luffy's all fired up, so we're going

Luffy: A treasure hunt with pirates is gonna be crazy, who cares if it's a trap it's time to party! Full speed ahead to the pirate festival!

Announcer: Now here's a quick disclaimer! I'm sure this is obvious but anything goes as long as your here! That goes for bikes, kidnapping, stealing or whatever else! The only rule is that you've gotta keep this party secret from the navy! And anyone who spills their guts will be branded the enemy of all pirates and will chase you too the gates of hell itself to take our sweet revenge, ooh scary, whoops forgot to introduce myself, The name is Donald moderate I'll be your host and emcee today

They introduce a songstress who can turn a picture into an illusion

Now it's beem a while since the last one, and the reason they brought it back is because it's said that gold roger left something here, an invaluable treasure

With that one hint

In a lofty darkness you will find your answer

It's A challenge from the king of the pirates himself!

We cut back to the crew and we see Ryo whose stretching ready to fight

Ussop: dodging by the turn out it looks like this treasure could be the real deal

Luffy: alright then, it's time for a fight

Ussop: don't you worry my friends, when it comes to finding hidden treasure I've got a sixth sense, assist me chopper!

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