The worst generation is up against bullet's mech
Bullet: Sorry brats it's over!
He slams his fist onto the ground which all of them manage to dodge
But then bullet swings his other arm and takes out Bege, drake and Apoo
The rest of them land
Ryo: (Well that's not good)
Killer: Look out!
Killer kicks kid out of the way as bullet's massive foot slams down
The rest of them skid back
Luffy: You ok?
Kid: Killer! You'll pay!
Bullet: This strength cannot be reached when your shackled by dependence and those who lack it will surely lose everything
The rest of them all get ready for a massive attack coming from bullet using Haki on his mech and then swinging his fist right at them
Ryo puts his hands out and uses Haki to try and block
There's a huge shockwave
And when the dust settles the worst generation are on the ground defeated
Bullet goes to stamp on luffy
Ryo is lying in the rubble nearby not moving
Ussop appeaes and starts firing seeds at bullet's mech which don't seem to do anything
One of those seers turns into a vine that breaks one of the mechs fingers
But bullet is unfazed as he creates a canon in the mech's hand then points it at Ussop
Then it just cuts to bullet goojg on an absolute rampage against the marines who try to attack him
He destroys buildings in a single strike and keeps doing it
Then bullet finally unleashes his awakening
A power that extends to the world itself
There's nothing he can absorb nothing he can't reassemble
He absorbs every building, every ship, anything that he wants he absorbs it
And then it all comes together into a Gargantuan monster! That looks like a mechanised wolf
Then the island shifts trapping them all in
The bullets vows to crush them all
The vice admirals rush in but are all taken out in one shot
He then activates his Haki and with one strike practically splits the island in half
He calls put that he's got an enteral pose to laugh tale so he challenges the fleet admiral to just try and stop him
Every inch of his giant body is coated in armament Haki
Bullet doesn't stop attacking he crushes the island just by moving
By using bullet
Festiva has created a stampede of chaos, He has created his own era, a never ending festival where only the strong survive, he has claimed wealth, fame and power, All that the world has to offer
We cut back to Ryo who is somehow up although he's limping
He stumbles over and falls on his face
Ryo: (bullet said he'd be the world's strongest, I can't let that happen, because that title belongs to me!)