The clock is ticking
Ryo is leaning against a wall with his eye closed
Luffy chucks him a treat and he catches it and eats it
Ryo: (Nice)
Nami: you guys just can't help yourselves can you
Luffy: huh? They're not for us too eat, try one
Bege: you guys are nothing but a liability too me, convince me otherwise , the tidiest solution would be to murder you all on the spot
Sanji: think it over, if I die, you're throwing away your one chance to kill big mom, there'll be no wedding, plus, if I'm not back there at least two hours before the wedding they'll come snooping
Bege: point taken, I can figure out a work around for that though, how's about I off your pals
They suddnely hear the sound of someone moving and Ryo has his sword to Bege's neck and all the guns are aimed at him
Ryo: Not gonna happen, I could kill all of you before any of you could even blink, I defeated one of big mom's strongest subordinates, so if you think you can take me on go ahead and try, but if any of you shoot you're bosses head goes flying
They can all tells he's not joking
Bege: So you're willing to go that far then are ya?
Bege glares up at him as every member of his family points a gun at Ryo
Jinbei: We don't have time for intimidation games
Ryo: So luffy, I trust your judgment, what should I do captain?
Luffy stares Bege down
Luffy: Why is Caesar here! Huh!?
Ryo does an anime fall and everyone puts away their guns as soon as he does
Chopper: huh? It's Caesar, where? Where?
Sanji: come on man, he's right there
Nami: how could you not notice?
Ryo: it was really obvious
Caesar: wh..whose Caesar, I'm Bege's older half brother, The names gangster gastino you little punk..Shirororo
Ryo: (That name is so lame, he's not even trying to hide it)
Luffy: my mistake, different guy, I'm sorry
Nami: you where right luffy! That's obviously Caesar!
Luffy: you liar! 'He gets in Caesar's face' I knew it had too be you! What are you doing here anyway!
Caesar: You think this is my choice! Use your head dummy! Please don't tell me you people forgot where you last left me, my only ticket out of certain death was to become this bozo's personal slave, he's holding my heart ya know, I better tell Trafalgar law that I'm going to gut him when I see him, then I'm coming for you after!
Bege then tells him to shut up and squeezes his heart causing him to writhe in pain
Bege: You're wasting my precious time, lay it on me and no threats this time, are we gonna play nice or are we done
Ryo: just say the word luffy
there's a long wait
Luffy: let me pumch you for shooting Pekoms first then we can talk!
Luffy then launches his punch but Jinbei catches it
Jinbei: there's no time for this
His family aims their guns at luffy