"Unseen Eyes"

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Stell's pov

It was a peaceful morning, the sun filtering through the curtains of my room. As I reached for my phone, a notification caught my eye. It was from an unknown number.

"Hi love, ang gwapo mo, I miss you" the message read.

A shiver ran down my spine. Who could this be? Feeling uneasy, I replied hesitantly, "Who is this? How did you get my number?"

Almost immediately, another message came through. "Don't worry about that, Stell. I've been watching you for a while now."

My heart pounded in my chest. I didn't know how to react. The messages kept coming, each one making me more nervous than the last. The anonymous texter started sending pictures of me—pictures I didn't even know existed. There were shots of me walking to class, eating lunch, even sleeping in my room.

I decided to confide in Pablo. He had always been someone I could rely on.

"Pau, can you come over? I need to talk to you about something," I texted him.

"Sure, Stell. I'll be there in a bit," he replied.

When Pablo arrived, I felt a bit of relief. I told him everything and showed him the messages and photos. He looked concerned but tried to stay calm for my sake.

"This is serious, Stell. We need to figure out who this is," Pablo said, his brow furrowed.

We decided to distract ourselves for a bit. I posted a picture of us together on social media with the caption, "Thanks for staying by my side, Pau!"

Not even a minute after posting, my phone buzzed again. It was the anonymous number.

"Why are you with Pablo?!"

The anger in the message was palpable. My hands trembled as I showed it to Pablo.

"This guy is dangerous. He said he’ll do anything for me. Pau, I think it’s best if you go home. I don't want you to get hurt," I said, my voice shaking.

Pablo nodded reluctantly. "Okay, Stell. But promise me you’ll be careful. Call me if you need anything."

He left on his motorcycle, and I watched him ride away, hoping he would be safe. Moments later, my phone buzzed again. It was another message from the anonymous number, but before I could read it, my phone rang. It was Pablo.

"Stell, something happened. I was riding my bike and out of nowhere, a car hit me. It sped away before I could see the driver. I’m okay, just a bit shaken up," he said, his voice strained.

Fear gripped me. "Pau, you need to be more careful. This is getting out of hand."

"I know, Stell. I think this guy might have something to do with it. You need to stay safe," Pablo urged.

After hanging up, I checked the message from the anonymous number. It was a photo of me sleeping, taken from an angle that made it clear the camera was inside my room.

"Sweet dreams, Stell," the message read.

I felt a wave of nausea. This person had access to my room. They were watching my every move. Panic set in, and I frantically searched my room for hidden cameras but found nothing.

My phone buzzed again. "Don't worry, Stell. I'll always be watching over you."

I sat down, my mind racing. How could I escape someone who seemed to be everywhere?

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