"the beginning of secrets"

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Stells pov

One afternoon, my friends Justin, Josh, and Pablo decided to relax at a restaurant. We were in the middle of our usual banter when suddenly, a new face appeared, looking a bit hesitant yet eager.

"Hi, I'm Ken. Pwede bang sumama sa inyo?" the stranger asked, his voice a mix of nervousness and excitement.

We all looked at him, and my friends quickly agreed.

"Sure, join us. I'm Justin, this is Josh, and that's Pablo," Justin introduced, his friendly nature immediately putting Ken at ease.

Ken took a seat with us, and the conversation flowed smoothly. It didn’t take long for me to notice that Ken's eyes kept drifting towards me. I could feel his gaze lingering, almost as if he was trying to read my every move. I tried to brush it off, thinking maybe he was just trying to fit in.

"Bro, you okay? You seem out of it," Josh teased, nudging me playfully.

"Ah, yeah, I'm fine," I replied, forcing a smile as I avoided Ken's intense gaze. I told myself it was probably normal; he was new, after all, and just trying to get to know everyone.

As the afternoon progressed, we all enjoyed each other’s company. Ken and Josh especially hit it off because they both liked video games, and their shared enthusiasm was infectious. Justin and Pablo were equally welcoming, making Ken feel like he was already part of the group.

Ken's pov

That afternoon was amazing, especially since I quickly got close to Justin, Josh, and Pablo. But what I couldn't forget was Stell. He was so handsome, and I couldn't help but keep staring at him. His aura was like a magnet pulling me in, drawing my attention in ways I hadn't experienced before.

By the end of the afternoon, I decided to ask for their numbers so we could stay in touch.

"Guys, can I get your numbers?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound too eager.

"Sure! Here's mine," Josh said, handing over his number without hesitation.

"Same here," Justin and Pablo added, sharing their contacts as well.

Stell handed me his number last, his smile friendly yet cautious. "Here you go, Ken," he said. "Feel free to text anytime."

Stell's pov

When I got home, I decided to add Ken to our group chat.

"Hello, guys! Si Ken 'to," he greeted in the chat, his enthusiasm palpable even through text.

"Hi, Ken! Welcome to the group," I replied, hoping to make him feel included.

We talked until the night passed. He was really fun to talk to, and our conversation flowed effortlessly. But as time went on, I couldn't shake off the memory of his intense stares earlier. Maybe it was just normal because he was new, I told myself.

Despite the fun, there was a lingering feeling of unease that I couldn't quite pinpoint. Ken seemed genuinely nice, but there was something about his attention that felt a bit too focused, too intense. I shrugged it off, attributing it to my overactive imagination.

Ken's pov

I couldn't sleep. Stell's wonderful aura kept replaying in my mind. His handsomeness was one of a kind, and I was becoming addicted to him. Every smile, every laugh echoed in my thoughts, fueling my obsession. I found myself scrolling through our group chat, rereading our conversations, and imagining what it would be like to know him better.

The more I thought about Stell, the more I wanted to be near him, to understand him. I knew it was wrong, that this level of fixation wasn't normal, but I couldn't help myself. Stell had become the center of my world, and I was determined to be a part of his life, no matter what it took.

As the days went by, I made it a point to learn more about Stell. I observed his routines, noting down the places he frequented and the people he interacted with. I wanted to be there, to share those moments with him, even if it was from a distance. The line between admiration and obsession blurred, and I was too far gone to pull back.

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