"The Mystery Deepens"

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Two days after their arrival from Siargao, the group decided to spend three days at Ken's house. It was much larger and more comfortable for their gatherings. As they settled on the spacious sofa in the living room, everyone began to engage in their own activities when Stell broke the silence.

"Guys, the stalker keeps sending me pictures from our Boracay trip," Stell said, his voice filled with unease.

Ken nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's happening to me too. I thought it stopped, but I keep getting those photos."

Pablo looked thoughtful. "Maybe the stalker wasn't messaging because they took all the pictures and decided to send them once our vacation was over."

They discussed the stalker for a while, feeling uneasy but eventually letting it go. As evening approached, Ken decided to order a variety of food for everyone.

"Look at Mr. CEO of Superior Son, ordering a feast," Josh joked, nudging Ken with a smile.

Ken chuckled. "What can I say? I like to keep my friends well-fed."

While they were eating, Pablo's curiosity got the better of him. He had noticed Ken frequently entering a specific room, always closing the door behind him. His interest piqued, Pablo decided to investigate further.

After dinner, the group moved outside to hang by the pool. Taking advantage of the distraction, Pablo snuck back into the house and approached the mysterious room. This time, when he opened the door, the laptop screens and phones were active. To his shock, he saw live footage from CCTV cameras that weren't from Ken's house but from Stell's.

In the middle of the room was a phone, displaying what seemed to be a copy of Stell's phone. Just as Pablo began to investigate further, he felt a sharp prick in his neck. Before he could react, darkness enveloped him as he fell unconscious from the injection.

Back outside, Stell and Ken went inside briefly to use the bathroom. When they returned, Josh received a text from Pablo's phone.

"Pablo says he went home," Josh announced, puzzled.

"That's strange," Stell remarked, "He didn't say anything to us."

The group questioned why Pablo would leave without saying goodbye, but they eventually shrugged it off and continued enjoying their time together.

The next morning, Ken was the first to remember Pablo's abrupt departure. "Has anyone heard from Pablo this morning?" he asked as they gathered for breakfast.

Josh shook his head. "Nope. He didn't text me."

"Me neither," Stell added.

Ken's anxiety grew. "I'll go check his room."

Ken knocked on Pablo's door and, receiving no answer, opened it to find the room empty. His heart pounded as he raced back to the living room. "Guys, Pablo isn't here."

A tense silence filled the room. Stell suggested, "Maybe he went for a morning walk?"

Ken shook his head. "I don't think so. Something feels off."

They tried calling Pablo's phone but got no answer. Worry started to set in, but they tried to convince themselves that Pablo was probably busy with something and decided to stop bothering him.

Meanwhile, in a small, dimly lit room, Pablo lay unconscious. The injection had rendered him completely unaware of his surroundings and erased the recent events from his memory. Hours later, Pablo woke up with a throbbing headache. His vision was blurry, and he struggled to make sense of where he was. As he looked around, he realized he was in his condo.

When Pablo fully woke up, he noticed dozens of missed calls and messages from his friends. Confused and disoriented, he called Justin.

"Hey, where are you?" Justin asked, worry evident in his voice.

"I'm at my condo," Pablo replied, rubbing his temples. "My head is killing me. I don't remember anything after going to Ken's house."

"Okay, just rest and take care of yourself," Justin said, relieved to hear Pablo's voice. He hung up and turned to the others. "Pablo's fine. He's at his condo, just a bit out of it."

The group relaxed, feeling reassured. They spent the rest of the day trying to enjoy themselves, but the strange events of the past few days lingered in their minds.

As night fell, Ken sat by the pool, staring at the reflection of the moon in the water. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. The stalker, the mysterious room, and now Pablo's unexplained disappearance and return-it all felt too connected to ignore.

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