"Confessions and Revaltions"

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Morning arrived with a tinge of sadness lingering in Josh's heart. As he woke up, thoughts of his unspoken feelings weighed heavily on his mind. Determined to lighten the mood, he decided to suggest a drinking session later that evening. After freshening up, he headed downstairs and saw Ken engrossed in his iPad, as usual.

Josh approached Ken and casually asked, "Dre, how about we go for a drink later tonight?"

Ken, looking up from his iPad, smiled and nodded. "Sure, sounds good to me."

Their conversation was overheard by Stell, who quickly chimed in, "Can I join you guys?"

Ken and Josh were a bit startled but quickly agreed. As evening came, they set up their drinks outside by the beach house tables. Pablo noticed them and asked, "You guys drinking?"

They nodded, and Pablo joined in. They started with beers, sharing stories and enjoying the cool sea breeze. Justin, hearing the commotion, came out to see what was happening. By then, Pablo, Josh, and Stell were quite drunk. Ken, due to his allergy, didn't drink much and remained relatively sober.

Seeing the state of his friends, Ken offered to help Justin carry them back to their rooms. Ken carried Stell to his room first, then Justin took care of Pablo. Finally, it was Josh's turn. Justin insisted on handling Josh, as he was really drunk.

"Rest, Dre. I'll take care of Josh," Justin said, seeing the slight hangover starting to affect Ken.

Ken nodded and headed upstairs. Justin stayed behind to clean up the mess they had made. As he was tidying up, he heard a soft, teary voice.

"Justin, who did you fall in love with?" Josh asked, tears brimming in his eyes.

Justin, seeing the sincerity and pain in Josh's eyes, decided to confess. "Josh, I've loved you for so long. Ever since we first became friends, my feelings for you have only grown stronger. Every moment we spent together, every laugh we shared, I cherished it all. I've been afraid to tell you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I didn't want to scare you away or make things awkward between us."

Justin took a deep breath, his voice trembling with emotion. "You mean everything to me, Josh. I love the way you smile, the way you care for everyone around you. I love how you always put others before yourself, how you're always there to lift me up when I'm down. I've dreamed about being with you, but I was too scared to hope that you might feel the same."

Josh, dumbfounded by the confession, stared at Justin. Tears streamed down his face as he realized the depth of Justin's feelings. Without thinking, he hugged Justin tightly. "Justin, I've been in love with you for so long too. I never had the courage to tell you because I was afraid of losing you. Every time we were together, I wanted to tell you how much I loved you, but I couldn't. I thought you deserved someone better, someone who could love you openly without fear."

Josh continued, his voice choked with emotion. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me, Justin. I love everything about you. Your kindness, your strength, your laughter. I love the way you make me feel, like I can be myself without any pretenses. I've been so scared of ruining our friendship, but I can't keep these feelings hidden any longer. I love you, Justin. I love you more than words can express."

Justin, overwhelmed by Josh's confession, felt a rush of relief and happiness. He finished cleaning up, and as he turned to look at Josh, he saw that he had fallen asleep. Smiling softly, Justin carried Josh to his room. Just as Justin was about to leave, Josh pulled him back and kissed him passionately.

Justin was taken by surprise but returned the kiss, savoring the moment. "Goodnight, Josh," he whispered after breaking the kiss, his heart pounding.

Josh, now fully asleep, didn't hear him. Justin walked back to his room, his mind swirling with thoughts of the confession and the kiss. It was the first time Josh had kissed him, and it filled him with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

As Justin lay in bed, he couldn't sleep. The memory of Josh's kiss lingered, and he couldn't help but smile. Despite the nervousness and the unknown future, he felt a sense of hope and happiness that he hadn't felt in a long time.

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