"Quiet Love, Hidden Jealously"

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Ken and Stell had spent the past two weeks wrapped in the comfort of their newfound relationship. Though they had decided not to explicitly tell their friends, they also chose not to hide it. Their connection was becoming more apparent with each passing day, as they stole glances, shared small gestures, and found solace in each other’s company. They knew their friends would catch on eventually, but for now, they relished in the quiet intimacy of their secret.

One afternoon, the group found themselves at a serene park in Korea. While Ken and Stell wandered off to the lake, the three friends—Pablo, Justin, and Josh—sat on a bench, their attention drifting toward the couple.

“Are they together?” Justin broke the silence, his eyes trailing after Stell and Ken, who stood by the lake, their figures reflected in the shimmering water.

“They haven’t said anything, so we can’t be sure,” Pablo replied, his voice neutral, though an internal storm was brewing within him.

But Pablo knew. Deep down, he had always suspected something between Stell and Ken. And yet, the confirmation—no matter how subtle—stung more than he was willing to admit. It wasn’t just jealousy; it was the feeling of an unspoken love that had been festering inside him for years.


Pablo’s thoughts drifted to three years ago, back in the Philippines. He had first noticed Stell sitting on a park bench, looking utterly defeated. His company had gone bankrupt, and Stell had been overwhelmed with disappointment and frustration. Pablo had approached him, offering his hand, offering comfort.

He had treated Stell to ice cream that day, sitting by his side and making a silent promise to help him rebuild what he had lost. Over time, Pablo had kept that promise, assisting Stell in regaining control of his company, and in the process, Pablo found himself falling for Stell, deeper and deeper. Stell’s resilience, kindness, and quiet strength had captivated Pablo, and he had convinced himself that one day, he would confess his feelings.

One night, they had gone out to dinner at a cozy restaurant. Pablo had felt ready—ready to tell Stell the truth about his feelings. But just as the words had formed on his lips, Ken had arrived.

Pablo could never forget the way Stell’s eyes had lit up when Ken introduced himself. It was as if Pablo had faded into the background, invisible. His confession had died on his lips, and from that moment on, Pablo had buried his feelings, convincing himself that Stell’s happiness was what mattered most. Even if it wasn’t with him.

**End of Flashback**

Now, as Pablo watched Stell and Ken from afar, laughing and enjoying each other’s company by the lake, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy. Stell looked so content, so genuinely happy with Ken. Pablo’s heart ached, but he forced a smile, trying to push down the feelings of longing that threatened to resurface.

The couple returned to the group, their hands filled with ice cream cones. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm golden glow over the park. Stell and Ken led their friends to the lake’s edge, where they all sat down together to watch the sunset—a ritual they had come to cherish.

As they sat there, Pablo’s eyes lingered on Stell, who was laughing at something Ken had said. Stell’s laughter was infectious, and soon the whole group was chuckling, the tension of the day easing away. But deep inside, Pablo couldn’t shake the heaviness that sat in his chest.

He tried to convince himself that as long as Stell was happy, he would be fine. But the jealousy lingered, a quiet reminder of the love he had never spoken aloud. Pablo resolved to stay by Stell’s side, no matter what. And maybe, just maybe, there would be a moment where things would change—where he would finally have the courage to act on his feelings.

For now, though, he would wait. And he would do his best to be happy for Stell, even if that meant watching from the sidelines.

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