"Confessions Under the stars"

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A few days later, Stell and his friends decided to visit Ken's house to hang out. Ken's house was renowned for its size and beauty, but this was the first time any of them would see it in person. As they approached, their jaws dropped at the sheer grandeur of the place.

"Wow, ang laki ng bahay mo, Ken!" Justin exclaimed, eyes wide in amazement.

Ken smiled, a bit sheepish. "Thanks, guys. Come on in, I'll give you a tour."

They followed Ken inside, marveling at the spacious rooms and elegant decor. Ken led them through the living room, kitchen, and various other rooms, explaining their purposes and sharing anecdotes along the way. However, there was one room he didn't allow anyone to enter.

"This room is off-limits," Ken said firmly, standing in front of the closed door.

They exchanged curious glances but nodded in understanding. The rest of the afternoon was spent exploring Ken's house, playing games, and chatting. As the sun set, they moved to Ken's beautiful garden, full of colorful flowers and a calming ambiance.

"This garden is amazing, Ken," Pablo said, taking in the sight. "I could stay here forever."

They watched the sun slowly dip below the horizon, losing track of time until their stomachs reminded them it was time to eat. Ken offered to order food and excused himself to use the bathroom, leaving Stell and Justin to place the order.

"Order whatever you want," Ken called over his shoulder as he left the room.

While Stell and Justin were busy with the order, Pablo's curiosity got the better of him. He couldn't shake the mystery of the forbidden room. Quietly, he slipped away and made his way to the door. He glanced around to ensure no one was watching and slowly opened it.

Inside, Pablo was met with a room filled with computers and a phone placed centrally on a desk. The screens were black, giving no indication of their purpose. Intrigued, Pablo stepped closer but stopped abruptly when he heard Ken finishing up in the bathroom. Quickly, he closed the door and rejoined the others.

When the food arrived, they all gathered to eat. Pablo couldn't resist the urge to ask Ken about the room.

"Ken, what's in that room you don't want us to see?" he asked casually, though his eyes were sharp with curiosity.

Ken's expression flickered with a hint of nervousness. "It's just something important to me. Nothing to worry about," he said, forcing a smile.

Pablo shrugged it off, deciding not to press further, but the curiosity lingered in his mind.

As the night grew late, they decided to spend the night at Ken's house. Ken had two large guest rooms, each with two beds. Pablo expressed his desire to sleep in the same room as Stell, which caused a brief change in Ken's expression, but he quickly masked it with a smile.

"Sure, no problem," Ken said, handing out necessities for the night.

Before settling down, they all gathered in Justin and Josh's room for a late-night talking session. They laughed, shared stories, and enjoyed each other's company until midnight, when they finally decided to go to their respective rooms.

As Pablo and Stell settled into their beds, Stell couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over him since they arrived at Ken's house.

"Pau, do you think something's off about Ken?" Stell whispered, staring at the ceiling.

Pablo turned to look at Stell, his eyes serious. "I don't know, Stell. That room... it's strange. But let's not jump to conclusions. For now, let's just try to get some sleep."

Stell nodded, though sleep wouldn't come easily. He lay awake, thoughts racing through his mind. Meanwhile, in the other room, Ken lay in bed, his mind also restless. He replayed the day's events, focusing on the brief moment when Pablo had gone missing and the look of curiosity in his eyes when he asked about the room.

Ken sighed, feeling the weight of his secret pressing down on him. He closed his eyes, willing sleep to come, but the unease lingered. Outside, the night grew deeper, wrapping the house in a blanket of silence, as the shadows of secrets loomed large over them all.

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