"Escape to Korea"

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Ken was still staying at Josh's place, finding comfort in the presence of his friend after everything he'd been through. As he lay in bed, his phone rang, the word "Mom" flashing on the screen. Ken hesitated, dreading the conversation that awaited him. He answered the call with a sigh.

"Hello?" Ken's voice was cautious, bracing for whatever his mother had to say.

"Is this your plan to avoid getting married, Ken? Getting kidnapped?" His mother's voice was sharp and accusatory, laced with disbelief.

Ken's frustration boiled over. "Mom, I was really kidnapped! Do you think I'd make something like that up just to avoid Erica?" His tone was a mix of anger and hurt.

"Oh, please, Ken. You’ve always been dramatic. I’m starting to wonder if you’re just looking for an excuse to break off the engagement."

"Are you serious right now? I was tied up, drugged, and God knows what else happened. This isn’t a joke, and I’m not talking about it because it’s too painful," Ken snapped, his voice trembling with the weight of his emotions.

There was a pause on the other end before his mother spoke again, her tone slightly softened but still firm. "I don’t know, Ken. I just… I want what’s best for you, and marrying Erica—"

"Marrying Erica is not what’s best for me!" Ken interrupted, the anger giving way to a deep sadness. "I just need you to believe me."

His mother sighed, clearly not convinced. "We’ll talk about this when you’re ready to come home. But remember what I said—unless you have a rich partner, you don’t have much choice."

With that, she hung up, leaving Ken feeling more alone than ever. He let out a deep sigh and, in a moment of frustration, threw his phone across the room. The impact wasn’t satisfying enough to release the tension in his chest.

Josh, hearing the commotion, opened the door and saw Ken looking utterly defeated. "Hey," Josh said gently, walking over to sit beside him. "You look like you’re carrying the weight of the world."

Ken looked at Josh, his eyes filled with pain. "I just had a call with my mom. She thinks I faked the kidnapping to get out of marrying Erica. Can you believe that?"

Josh’s heart ached for his friend. "That’s ridiculous. I’m so sorry you’re going through this, Ken. But I promise you, we’ll figure this out. You won’t have to marry Erica."

Ken managed a weak smile, grateful for Josh's support. "Thanks, Josh. I don't know what I’d do without you."

Later that afternoon, the friends decided they needed to be together. They met at a park, a place they often visited when they needed to remind themselves that, even though the day ends, their friendship remains strong. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the park.

As they sat on a bench, watching the kids run around, Pablo broke the silence. "What if we go on another vacation? But this time, we go somewhere far away."

Ken and Stell looked at him, intrigued. "Where?" Stell asked.

"How about Korea?" Pablo suggested, a hint of excitement in his voice. The group fell silent, the idea of Korea stirring something deep within them. It had been a dream of theirs for a long time, but they never found the time to make it happen.

Just then, Josh and Justin returned with ice creams and a few other treats. Noticing the serious expressions on their friends' faces, Josh asked, "Why the long faces? What’s going on?"

Pablo repeated his suggestion. "What if we just… run away together? To Korea? Just for a while, to escape all the crap we’re dealing with here."

Josh looked at him, surprised. "Are you serious?"

"Yes," Pablo replied firmly. "I think we all need a break. A real break. How about it? Would you all like to escape to Korea for a couple of months?"

Ken was the first to respond, his voice resolute. "Yes. I need to get away, to clear my head."

One by one, the others agreed. The idea of running away to Korea, of leaving their problems behind even just for a little while, was too tempting to resist.

Over the next few days, they made plans, informed their parents (except for Ken, who wanted to avoid any confrontation about the wedding), and prepared for the trip. Ken knew he needed to get away from everything—his mom, Erica, the trauma of his kidnapping. Korea was his escape, his way out, even if just temporarily.

The day of their departure finally arrived. As they stood at the airport, ready to board the plane, Ken did something he’d never done before—he blocked his parents on his phone. He didn’t want any distractions, any reminders of the life he was leaving behind, at least for now.

Hand in hand, the five friends boarded the plane. As they took their seats, there was a shared sense of anticipation. Was this the start of something new? New opportunities, new challenges? They didn’t know what awaited them in Korea, but they knew one thing for sure—whatever happened, they would face it together. And for that, they were deeply grateful.

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