"The morning after"

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The sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow on the room where Stell and Ken lay. As they slowly woke up, they realized the undeniable truth: they were naked and lying next to each other. Shocked, they quickly scrambled to get dressed. Stell winced in pain as he moved, his legs aching. Ken, noticing Stell's discomfort, silently helped him walk down the stairs.

The silence between them was heavy and awkward. Stell walked with a slight limp, making it obvious something had happened. When Justin saw them, he asked, "Stell, what happened to you?"

Stell quickly lied, "I fell last night." Justin nodded, accepting the explanation, but the tension between Ken and Stell was palpable.

They spent the rest of the day packing their things in preparation for their road trip back home the next day. Each of them retreated into their own thoughts, the awkwardness lingering.

That night, while everyone else slept, Stell stood on the balcony, trying to piece together the events of the previous night. His mind raced with questions. Did they really do what he thought they did? He was so lost in thought that he didn't notice Ken approaching until he sat down next to him.

Ken broke the silence. "Stell, what happened last night?"

Stell shrugged, his confusion mirroring Ken's. "I don't know. I can't remember."

Their conversation was interrupted by Josh, who had quietly walked up behind them. "I can tell you what happened," Josh said, causing both of them to turn red with embarrassment. "I went downstairs for a glass of water and saw you two kissing. Then you went to Stell's room and... well, you did it, I heard Stell moaning so i was really sure you guys did it."

The embarrassment deepened as Josh's words sunk in. Stell and Ken were redder than tomatoes. They sat there in stunned silence for a moment before Stell finally spoke. "We... we should just forget about it."

Ken nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's just move on."

They promised each other to forget the night ever happened, and eventually, they went back to their rooms to sleep.

The next morning, they got ready to leave. Josh kept sneaking glances at Stell and Ken, amused by the tension still hanging between them. He giggled to himself as he packed his things.

In the afternoon, they loaded their bags into the car. Josh drove, with Justin in the passenger seat, while Stell, Ken, and Pablo sat in the back. The drive was mostly silent, each of them lost in their own thoughts.

When they arrived home, they said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Stell and Ken couldn't stop thinking about what had happened, the memory of that night lingering in their minds despite their promise to forget.

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