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I probably should of mentioned this earlier, but if you haven't read the prequel to this book, none of this will probably make sense XD it's called "Pokemon Junior High ~Young Love~" other then that, I hope you like this book 😊

Serena's P.O.V

"Did you hear that Miette is coming back today?" Dawn asked as I opened my locker.

"Why and how do you know this stuff? And why is it always Miette this, Miette that?" I grabbed my Language Arts book.

"That's not the point!" Dawn yelled. "Miette's gonna bother us again!"

"Is that all you came to tell me?" I sighed.

"How are you not worried! She messes with you the most about everything!"

"Just ignore her. That's what I do." I closed the door to my locker and looked at Dawn. "You can't just let her bother you that much."

"Yeah, but-" She paused.

"But what?" I looked at her, lifting an eyebrow.

"Serena." Dawn looked over my shoulder, wide eyed.


"Serena!" Dawn exclaimed as she continued to look over my shoulder.

"WHAT!?" I yelled.

"LOOK!" She pointed ahead of her, behind me.

I turned around and looked through the crowd of people. And what I saw, made my heart stop. Ash.

His raven hair was still tangled, not even attempted to be brushed just like when I met him. Same brown eyes. Same hat. Same jacket surprisingly, but just larger. He was a lot taller as well. Just tall enough to look up at him now.

Questions ran through my mind. Why didn't he text me? Would he remember me? Let alone would he recognize me after I cut my hair? Would he like my haircut? When did he get here? Why was he here?

He was talking to Gary and Kenny. A smile plastered on his face as he talked to them.

I wanted to go up to him and tell him everything that has happened while he was gone. To tell him how I felt about him when I was younger. But another part of me wanted to avoid him completely.

"Please tell me that I'm not the only one who sees Ash." Dawn said.

I stayed quite, not able to say anything.

"Well? Come on! Let's go!" Dawn walked over to him as I stayed put.

She looked back at me. "Aren't you coming?"

I stood there frozen. What was I supposed to say? What was I supposed to do? Should I go up to him and say, hey! I'm Serena! You know, the person you knew back in 8th grade for only 4-5 months?

"Serena come on!" Dawn tugged on my arm and dragged me towards Ash, me trying to pull back.

"Wait!" I yelled as we passed by other students.

Dawn walked up behind Gary and whispered something.

"Huh?" Gary looked behind him. "Oh, yeah." He turned back to Ash. "Do you remember Dawn and Serena?"

"Yeah. Where are they anyway? I want to see them." Ash smiled as he looked around.

I felt my heartbeat quicken.

"They're right behind me stupid." Gary sighed and moved over to Kenny for Ash to see us, but I immediately moved behind Dawn, using her as a shield.

"It's been awhile!" Dawn smiled.

"Yeah!... Um, Where's Serena?" He looked around again.

"Eh-" Dawn looked over her shoulder to tell me to stop hiding and then turned back to Ash. "Don't be surprised, but Serena- um... kinda went through a change."

Dawn moved to the side, revealing me.

I felt my cheeks heat up as Ash looked at me in surprise. Did I still have feelings for him?

"Serena?" He looked at me, wide eyed. "You cut your hair?"

"Uh-" I took a step backwards. "Yeah, I mean I don't know if like it-"

"I think it looks cute." He smiled, making me blush even more.

I felt Dawn budge the side of my arm with her elbow. I looked over at her and gave her somewhat a death stare while she gave me a "Looks like you still like him" look.

"When did you get here?" Dawn looked over at Ash.

"Just yesterday. Me and my mom moved back here after she found a job here." He grinned.

Then an aching pain reached my heart after I remembered that he said he would be back. But before that he said that, he said that he would text me when he got the chance. He never did. When ever he got the chance? It's been 3 years and he never texted me. I felt my smile disappear. I looked down at the tile floor as I remembered what happened on Christmas Day.

"Told ya I would be back!" Ash said, but then a frown replaced his face as he looked down at me. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Uh." I looked back up from the floor and replaced my frown with a smile. "Nothing!"

Right after I said that, I heard the bell ring, echoing throughout the hall.

I turned around and headed towards class, but then I felt a tug on my arm, stopping me from moving any further. I looked behind me and saw Ash holding my wrist.

"Uh-" He hesitated. "It's nice seeing you again." And then he let go of my wrist and headed towards his class.

I felt my cheeks heat up again as I watched him walk over to his class. He was still cute, I have to admit. Maybe even cuter.

I then walked over to my class, my mind still running with questions for Ash. I wondered if we would continue to be friends or even talk to Ash again after seeing each other. My heart raced as goosebumps spread across my arms and a small smile appearing on my face. I felt myself slightly blush as I thought of me as Ash finally seeing and talking to each other again, my heart lifting up as I did.

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