I'm Sorry?

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(I know right? This song again?... It's good and goes with the chapter, so whatever.😅 )
Please point out my mistakes as always, and thanks for reading!

Ash's P.O.V

I grabbed back on to the horn of the saddle and pulled myself up as my foot was still settled on the stirrup, making sure that I didn't put to much force like I did last time and not too little. I then found myself sitting on the saddle, and saw that I finally mounted Chestnut triumphantly.

"All right!" I fist pumped the air.

"You did great." Serena flashed a smile.

"Thanks." I smiled back, my heart giving out another warm wave once I turned around to her smiling.

"Now do you know how to make Chestnut move?"

"Oh... I think you kick the side of it and..." I put my feet, which were still in the stirrup, next to the side of Chestnut. "You do this to-" I couldn't finish due to me acting out how to kick the sides of Chestnut to make him run and he started to trot along the track, leading me to jump up and down on the saddle as it walk along the track.

Serena laughed and hit the sides of Snowflake with her cowboy boots gently, the same way I did and caught up to me. "Yeah, that's how you do it, but do you know how to make it gallop?"

"Isn't this- Ah-" I felt myself about to fall over, but caught myself by holding onto the horn of the saddle. "Isn't this galloping?" I finished.

Serena laughed and said, "No. What you're doing is almost cantering, pretty much trotting. This is galloping." Serena smiled and sat up from the saddle, hovering over it slightly. She then placed her hands against Snowflakes neck with the rein still in hand and kicked the her feat forward so that the tip of her feet hit the side of Snowflake.

Snowflake then started to run ahead of Chestnut and eventually began to zoom past us and ran an extreme speed, leaving my mouth agape in surprise. Serena was really good at this.

Serena almost made it to the turn at the track, when Serena sat back in the saddle and Snowflake slowed down.

Serena pulled on the rein sideways and Snowfake turned back the way they ran from and eventually trotted its way back to me and Chestnut, a smile slapped onto Serena's face. "See?" She asked.

"Yeah." I nodded and got in the same exact stance Serena got into, making sure to softly kick the sides of Chestnut and he began to run faster until eventually, my hair whistled in the wind, the acceleration of the speed making my heart thump against my chest.

"Wait!" Serena yelled behind me. "You weren't actually supposed to try to gallop yet!"

But I ignored her and continued to ride Chestnut until I reached the part where to turn and pulled on the rein's, but Chestnut didn't stop and continued to run forward. I felt my heartbeat quicken as Chestnut was about to run into the railing that surrounded the track.

"Chestnut, come on!" I yelled, continuing to pull on the reins as hard as I could, but failed to slow down Chestnut.

I saw us near closer and closer towards the railing, waiting for the worst to happen, but then I heard Serena yell from behind me, so I turned around and saw that her and Snowflake were running over towards us at a high speed and ran in front of Chestnut, stopping him from going any further and made him jump in in fright, which led me to let go of the rein and fall backwards off of the saddle. I fell down on my back right behind Chestnut as he continued to jump up wildly, throwing grains of sand everywhere.

Chestnut continued to jump up like crazy, but then eventually calmed down as Serena controlled Snowflake, pulling on the reins that belonged to Snowflake and make it go back and forth to stop Chestnut from running anywhere.

As soon as Chestnut calmed down, Serena jumped off of Snowflake, taking off her hat and throwing it down at her feet as it was worth nothing, and I expected her to run over to Chestnut, but instead, she ran over towards me as I sat up still in a daze from falling off of Chestnut. She knelt down in front of me and jumped onto me, hugging me and yelled, "Don't do anything like that again! You had me worried sick!"

"I- I..." I tried to say something, but couldn't through the warmth of her hug, my heart seeming to beat even faster than when Chestnut almost ran into the railing.

"You were supposed to sit down on the saddle, stupid!" Serena yelled, tightening the hug.

I couldn't tell if Serena was either mad or worried about me. She was yelling and hugging me at the same time.

"What do you mean sit on the saddle?" I asked in puzzlement, completely confused on what she meant.

"You had to sit down on the saddle to make Chestnut stop!" Serena yelled over my shoulder and then sat back up in front of me, releasing me from the hug.

Serena looked at me sternly, and I saw that she had tears layered above her eyelids as she said, "Don't do that again, you could of died."

I sat there speechless. What was I supposed to say. Serena was sitting in front of me with tears in her eyes...

"I- I'm sorry." Was all I could stutter.

I then saw a few tears fall down Serena's cheeks and she pounced on me again and hugged me, bringing silence except for her sobbing.

I didn't know what to do, so I decided wrap my arms around Serena and return the hug, still somewhat confused.

She continued to cry over my shoulder as my mind still tried to figure out was going on.

"Serena..." I frowned. "You shouldn't be crying, I only-"

But then she interrupted me again.

"Just shut up." She sobbed, still holding on to me, making me even more confused then ever.

Was that supposed to put another dagger to my heart or make my heart feel better? I couldn't tell, but I didn't care either, so I just sat there and continued to hug Serena back, a small smile actually starting to creep up to my face as she continued to hug back as well, making my whole body start to grow warm.

Serena was actually hugging me.

"Please... d-don't leave me..." Serena muttered, as she still cried and pressed her face into my shoulder as my eyes widened.

I looked over at Serena, who was still crying into my shoulder and arms wrapped around me, letting my head rest against her soft honey blond hair and said, "I'm sorry."

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