The Bell

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Serena's P.O.V

I walked to lunch, my heart still fluttering from later that morning. Alain? Out of ever girl in school he asked me out?

My cheeks inflamed at the thought as I walked over to the lunch table.

But the thought of watching Ash walk away into the crowd of students.... He seemed- unhappy. Maybe he just didn't get enough sleep? Maybe. It could just be him not approving instead probably. There is another possibility, but I'll never consider such a thing.

I saw everyone sitting at the lunch table except for one empty seat where May usually sits.

"Where's May?" I asked, taking my seat at the lunch table.

"Where have you've been?" Misty asked, looking at me. "We didn't see you this morning."

"Sorry. I was kinda busy." I said, starting to play with my salad in front of me.

"Busy with what?" Caleb asked, eyeing me.

"Eh- nothing." I said, hiding my blush.

"Ugh, tell us already. It's not like you did nothing all morning." Iris sighed.

"Well, you didn't answer my question." I said, my eyelids half closed.

"Well if you were with us this morning, you would of known that she went on a vacation to Florida. We won't see her again till we start school again."

"What!?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah." Iris said. "Oh- I also forgot to tell you that she took Drew with her."

"She what!?" I asked, even louder.

Misty smirked. "Yep. Now where were you this morning."

"Uh-" I edged back in my seat. "Nothing."

"You already said that." Dawn pouted.

"I know I did! That's because nothing really happened!" I yelled.

"I don't believe you." She crossed her arms.

"Agh." I sweat dropped.

"TELL US ALREADY!" Dawn yelled into my ear unexpectedly, leading me to jump out of my seat.

"Ow! Why do you always have to yell directly into my ear!?" I asked, holding onto the side of my head, as if my eardrums probably going to be dead in the next hour if I didn't.

"Because then you'll actually answer the dang questions we ask." Dawn said sighing slightly.

"Fine, geez." I sat back in my seat. "A-" I looked over at Calem. "A-". I kept hesitating.

"Ash?" Dawn asked, her eyes widening.

"What? No. It's Alain not Ash."

"Alain? That know it all?" Dawn raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, I think he's dreamy." Misty said, placing her head over the palm of her hand.

"That's your opinion." Dawn said, squinting her eyes at Misty and then turned back towards me. "What about Alain?"

"Uh-" I hesitated again. "He kinda- asked me if I wanted to... go out to eat with him sometime." I said and then buried my head into my shoulders, readying for an outburst, but there wasn't any.

I looked back up at everyone and saw everyone's face blank, as if they weren't even allowed to blink.

"Are... you guys going to say anything?" I asked.

They stayed quiet as they all continued to stare at me.

"WHAT!?" Dawn exclaimed, finally severing the silence like always and disturbed the rest of the people in the cafeteria. "HE DID WHAT!? DON'T TELL ME YOU SAID YES!"

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