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Serena's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open as I felt someone lay down on the bed.

"Ash?" I asked, still barely awake.

"Uh- yeah?" Ash's voice responded.

"I... I was wondering if- you could sleep closer. It's- kinda cold." I said, slightly lying, but it was cold. But I mostly asked the question just to get him to sleep closer to me.

"Oh... sure." He replied and moved over right next to me.

But then, out of no where Ash put his arm over my waist, making my heart jump.

So he really does like me... I don't know how to feel. At this point I'm happier then ever, my cheeks flushing a bright pink.

But then I felt Ash pull back his hand.

"Wait- no... It's fine." I said, embarrassed when I realized I yelled it out a little too fast.

"Oh- okay." He placing his hand back around my waist and then pulled me closer towards him, my cheeks becoming warmer.

I then felt Ash's chest behind my head, and I guess my heart took over, since my heart pulsed, and I then pushed my head into his chest. I felt his breathe against the back of my head, giving me goosebumps, even though it was somewhat comforting.

I then felt him tighten his grip around my waist, making me warm.

"Goodnight." Ash said sleepily.

"Goodnight..." I replied and then closed my eyes and buried my face into the pillow underneath me, my head still against Ash's chest.

•~•~• 🍁🍂🍃 •~•~•

My eyes slowly lifted up, light seeping through my eyelids.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was still in bed, light coming in through the window behind me.

I looked at the clock next to a bed sitting on the chiffonier and saw that it was only 6:45.

I went to turn around, but then I saw Ash sleeping next to me, his hand still wrapped around my waist, making my cheeks inflame a dark red and my stomach turn.

He was still holding me?

I laid back down and buried my head back into his chest again, giving me a sense of security. I can't believe Ash actually decided to hug me as he slept.

I then slowly turned around, making sure to keep his hand in place as I fully turned around to face him. When I did, I placed the top of my forehead against Ash's chest and moved closer towards him, my heart beating against my chest uncontrollably. I felt my cheeks continue to redder and redder by the second and I laid there next to Ash, his eyelids still closed as he breathed against the back on my head still. As I waited there for a few minutes, my eyelids kept dripping down until I finally closed them and fell back to sleep.

Ash's P.O.V

When I opened my eyes I saw that Serena changed position and was now facing me, my hand now wrapping around her waist and back, her face relaxed as her head buried into my chest, making my cheeks heat up like a sauna. She slept there with her hands lazily put in front of her. Man, she was cute. I pulled her into me again and hugged her, my cheeks still warm. I didn't realize 'till now, but Serena was really light. Delicate even.

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