Miette/Mrs. Flirty

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Serena's P.O.V

Flirting. That's what Miette was doing throughout Social Studies.

I watched Miette talk to Ash at the same time I watched the clock, waiting for the hand to hit the 4. I finally saw the hand slide over to the 4 and hover over it and the bell finally rang. I jumped out of my seat and put away my notebook for Social Studies as everyone who already packed up, ran out the door- except for Miette.

Miette came up to me as I put my binder into my backpack and whispered, so the teacher and the other students couldn't hear, "You better make your move or else I'll steal him from you."

I felt my cheeks heat up like a sauna as my cheeks turned a deep pink. She knew. How in the world did she know? I stood there frozen as she walked away, my heart beating 20 miles per hour.

After I was sure she left the classroom, I threw on my backpack onto my back and walked out of Social Studies and towards the exit, but before I could even make another step into the hall, I heard Dawn yelling my name from the side of me.

"Hey! Serena!" Dawn yelled from across the hall.

"Hi." I said, waiting for her to catch up.

"It turns out I convinced my mom to let me walk home today!" She panted as she ran up to me.

"Really?" I looked at her, but then realized something. "Wait... you did this just so we could talk about my crush!"

"Yep, that's right!" Dawn smiled.

I sighed and then exited the building, Dawn following behind me. Right when we excited the building, Dawn started to spit out words, annoying the crap of me because all she talked about was my crush on Ash.

"So, do you even know if he has a girlfriend?" Dawn asked.

Well that got me worried for a second. "No, not that I know of." I sweat dropped.

"Well do you know anyone else who has a crush on him?"

I felt myself wince. "Y-yes." I answered.

"WHAT!?" Dawn turned around to face me. "WHO!?"

"Uh... Miette." I said, goosebumps starting to appear on my arms and my heart beat continuing to go 20 miles per hour as I thought over and over again of Ash and Miette dating.

"MIETTE!?" Dawn yelled as we walked down the sidewalk, practically killing my eardrums.

"Would you quiet down!" I said, holding my ears. "You're going to get the neighbors to call the police!"

"Fine, just because you want to save your precious little ears." Dawn laughed. "Now tell me how you know that Miette likes him!"

"Well... today in Social Studies, she came over to me. I can't remember it perfectly, but she whispered to me, 'You better make your move before I make mine' or something like that, like, 'Before I steal him away from you' or similar to that." I replied.

"Well crap! You need to make your move!" Dawn exclaimed.

"Eh- maybe I shouldn't of told you." I sweat dropped.

"Mhm! You would have to tell me sooner or later!" Dawn complained.

"Agh. Yep, I made the worst mistake of my life." I sighed.

"Now that's so not true." Dawn crossed her arms.

"You sure?" I laughed.

"Yes, I'm sure." She laughed with me.

We talked for awhile till I came apon my house and she had to go home as well.

•~•~•~•~• 🍃🍂🍁 •~•~•~•~•

After that, weeks passed by, Spring Break came and ended in what seemed just like a day and I'm back in school, bored and stressed as heck again.

Miette has continued to talk to Ash during Social Studies, which was annoying. I swear that every time I look up, she's flirting with him, but good thing that Ash's dense, because if he would of figured it out that she was flirting with him, Miette would of probably asked him out already.

"So Miette is still talking to Ash?" Dawn asked as we walked down the main hall.

"Uh- yeah." I replied, not knowing if I should of told her or not.

"Crap! Do you think that she's gonna ask him out soon!?"

"I- I don't know." I replied.

"We have to do something!"

"What do you mean?" I looked over at Dawn, one eyebrow raised.

"We need to do something to get Ash to hate Miette or get him to fall in love with you..." Dawn said, placing her hand under her chin and looked up at the ceiling.

"Uh-" I said, not knowing about getting Ash to fall in love with me was a good idea.

The warning bell rang.

"We'll take about it during lunch." Dawn said and headed over to her class.

I went towards my class as thoughts ran through my head, like if Ash had feelings for me or not. Or if he even had feelings for me in 8th grade. Or if he had feelings for Miette or any other girl. This was going to be the longest years of my life.

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