Not Right For Each Other

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Finally got some of the hate I needed to help continue the story 😂 No, seriously.😆👏🏼 That's exactly what people need to continue a story or book! Now I can continue to write and know what you guys want or need to enjoy the story! So thanks!

Also, sorry for the story being pretty slow lately. It's probably like watching Naruto fillers 😆 I have an idea in my head and it'll play out here soon... Well.... sometime around the next few chapters 😅, so bear with me!

Serena's P.O.V

It's so nerve racking when I hang around Ash. I really can't explain how I feel about him. I can't even explain how I feel at all. I guess I just feel warm around him and start paying attention to everything I'm doing, making sure I don't look stupid or do anything embarrassing around him. And today couldn't get more embarrassing.

He held my wrist. And caught me.

I felt my heart give out another wave as always and feel my stomach become empty. Ugh. Why can't I just stop feeling this way. It's so stressful. I couldn't even pay attention in my first two classes. All I thought about was about what happened. Did he like me back? Does he like someone else? Did he have feeling for Miette? Please no.

"So what are you guys going to do over summer?" Misty asked, setting down her tray of food and sitting down at the lunch table.

"I don't know. I just can't help but get all down when I think that next year is going to be our last year together. The next thing you know we'll all be living our separate lives." May sighed.

"What are you talking about?" Misty looked at May in disbelief. "You got to be kidding me. We'll always be friends! Just because we're leaving high school doesn't mean that we have to leave our friends and memories behind too."

"Yeah. I guess you're right." May said, managing a smile.

"That reminds me! How's it been going with Drew!?" Dawn squealed.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Iris laughed and then sat up from her seat towards May and leaned up next to her and put her hand in front of her as if she had a microphone in her hand. "Every morning she does a broadcast about him like, 'Omg! He's wearing his purple vest today!' " Iris gave another laugh and then sat back down at her seat.

"Doesn't he wear that vest everyday?" Dawn raised an eyebrow.

"Yep." Calem laughed under his breath.

May didn't say anything and instead blushed.

I smiled at the conversation as everyone laughed.

"What about you Serena?" Asked Misty, breaking apart the laughing.

"Uh- what do you mean?" I lifted my head up, my cheeks slowly starting to heat up as everyone looked over at me.

"You know what I'm talking about." Misty smirked.

"Uh." I leaned back in my chair.

"Do you plan on asking him out anytime soon?" Dawn smiled.

"What!? Mm-mm!" I shook my head side to side showing that my answer was no. "Why are we even talking about this?"

"Because! This whole thing is taking forever with you and him! You've had a crush on him for all these years yet you still haven't even told him your feelings yet!" Dawn slammed her hands on the table.

"Eh- wait! What about you! You haven't told your crush your feelings and you've liked him a lot longer then me!" I exclaimed, starring over at Dawn.

Dawn looked at me with her eyelids have close. She then face palmed herself and yelled, "That's not the point!"

"Why have you even fallen for this guy. Alain is way better then that dude. Why don't you go out with him?" Calem crossed his arms.

May sighed and looked over at Calem. "Look, I know that you don't like Ash anymore, but you got to realize you can't change love. It's not a thing you can get unless you've been through it."

"I've realized that! It's just that Ash is not right for Serena."

I sat there, listening to the conversation.

"Tell me one reason why they shouldn't be together." Misty crossed her arms.

"He. Pushed her. In front. Of a fucking car!" Calem exclaimed, flailing his arms into the air.

"You still have a grudge against him because of that?" Iris sweat dropped.

"Yeah, get over it already." Dawn pouted.

"Seriously? You guys don't even consider that he pushed your best friend in front of a car and she almost died because of it!" Calem yelled.

"Calem." I said. I felt my heart slowly crumbling down to my stomach once again. Not this feeling. Not again. I don't ever want to feel this way ever again.

Everyone went silent and looked over at me.

"It's been three years." I said, me trying to keep my voice stable.

"I understand that, but he's just a ticking time bomb ready to blow. He'll leave you in the dust, I just know it. Consider Alain. He's a nice guy. And I'm sure he never pushed someone in front of a car."

My hands turned into fist as they sat on my lap as I felt myself about to cry.

"You don't understand." I sat up from the table and grabbed my backpack, throwing it over my shoulder and walked out of the cafeteria. I didn't want to stay any longer.

I felt myself about to cry, so I hurriedly wiped my cheeks so no one could see, but more tears formed as I rushed out of the cafeteria.

I didn't know why I was crying. But I was.


Normal P.O.V

"What the hell Calem?" Dawn looked over at Calem after watching Serena rush out of the cafeteria.

"What?" Calem asked, continuing to cross his arms.

"That was not cool." Misty crossed her arms as well.

"Well something had to be said. I don't trust that dude."

"Just leave it alone from now on. Serena really does have feelings for him. You can't change that." Dawn sat up from her seat and walked towards the exit.

"Look, I just don't want her to get hurt. And Ash has bad written all over him." Calem sighed.

"Prove it then." Misty sat up from the table as well and followed Dawn, Iris and May doing the same, leaving Calem alone at the lunch table.

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