Falling In Love Again

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Serena's P.O.V

"Serena..." Ash started. "You shouldn't be crying, I only-"

"Just shut up." I interrupted, my heart seeming to crumble.

I felt Ash's grip around me tighten around me and pull me closer as I did the same.

I swear I tried not to cry, but I did anyway.

As Chestnut was about to run into the railing, I really did think Ash was going to die. My heart broke in two and I instinctively kicked Snowflake and she began to run. If I didn't rush in front of Chestnut, I don't know what would of happened...

Before I did that though, my mind went back to when my dad was doing a race. I was sitting in the bleachers with my mother cheering him on before the buzzer rang and the gates flung open, releasing the horses that ran out with pounding hearts, the rider feeling the same as time stopped around them until the buzzer snapped them back in time. When the buzzer rang though, my dad zoomed off with his horse we used to call Bingo. It wasn't it's actually name. Its real name was Ben, but I called it Bingo and it soon caught on once Bingo won a championship and everyone started to call him that.

I can remember that day like it was yesterday. Every image of that day was saved into my brain to never be able to be deleted. My dad was about to turn when it came to the end of the track, but then Bingo shook his head violently. That's when me and mom knew something was wrong. I knew immediately what was wrong though. Bingo's teeth. They must of been bothering him. They always have since he was little. So Bingo kept running, my dad trying to stop him with every amount of strength he had in him, but failed.

That's when Bingo ran into the railing and flipped over, my dad flying with him. Bingo landed on its back with my dad still under him. That was the last I saw of my dad.

That exact image flashed through my head as Ash didn't stop. I didn't want him to die. I didn't want Ash to leave me. I need him. I love him.

I continued to cry into Ash's shoulder and hugged him as if it was the last time I would ever see him.

"Please... d-don't leave me..." I mumbled under my breath into his shoulder, not knowing whether or not he heard me. I didn't care if he did though. I would actually want him to hear what I said than not too.

"I'm sorry." Ash replied, letting me know that he heard.

I continued to cry into his shoulder, still trying to get the image of Ash in the same situation as my dad was in.

I eventually had the power to release from the hug. I hastily rubbed my eyes and wiped away my tears as fast as I could.

"Are you alright now?" Ash asked me.

"Y-yeah." I looked away slightly embarrassed.

"Here-" Ash stood up and held out his hand.

I took it and he pulled me, harder than he needed too and I ended up leaning on top of his chest. As if in a hug. Like when I first met him at the beginning of 8th grade. The day I fell in love with him and he was the one who caught me.

It was as if that whole scene was happening again, but now we're older. As if time lapped over itself. I was falling in love with him again.

I pushed off of Ash as I felt my cheeks heat up. "S-sorry." I stuttered.

"No, it's alright." Ash sweat dropped.

"Anyways..." I looked down at my feet. "I guess I should get to my own training before my mom gets mad."

"Oh, alright." Ash said, rubbing the back of his neck.

I shyly walked back over towards Chestnut and Snowflake, taking each of their reins and pulled them along towards the start of the track, Ash following me quietly. I don't blame him. I just broke out crying at one of the most random moments. Heck, I even hugged him.

I felt my cheeks become warm again. Just the thought of him actually hugging back was absurd, making my cheeks flare red.

Ash's P.O.V

I watched as Serena take the reins that belonged to Snowflake and Chestnut and took them back towards the start of the track as I followed.

I ended up sitting on the fence as I watched Serena set up Snowflake again and started to go around the track.

•~•~• 🍁🍂🍃 •~•~•

Snowflake passed me with Serena still on its back.

I still don't understand how Serena was so good at this.

"She's good isn't she?" A voice interrupted my thoughts from behind me, as if the speaker was able to hear my thoughts.

I jumped up and looked behind me where Serena's mom, Grace, stood.

"Oh, yeah." I smiled and looked back at Serena who was already about half way through the track.

"She's better than me at horseback racing... She could even up me in the championship." Grace laughed, but soon a frown replaced it. "It's shame that she doesn't like horseback riding."

"Really?" I looked back over at Grace. "Why is that?"

"Just something that happened in her past... I would rather not say anything about it." Grace sighed.

"Oh..." I looked back over at Serena who was just about to pass me on Snowflake.

As soon as Serena passed by me and her mom, I felt Grace slide over next to me, me getting ready for something she was going to say.

"I saw you two by the way." She smirked.

"Wait. What?" I looked over at Grace, the side of my mouth twitching.

"Yep." She smiled proudly. "You two were adorable by the way."

I stood there pretty much speechless. "Do you mean..." I looked back to the turn where I almost ran into the railing. "Did you?" I looked back over at Serena's mother, feeling my cheeks start to heat up.

"I don't know." Grace looked away laughing. "You tell me."

I growled under my breathe and looked back over towards the track, my cheeks red in embarrassment.

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