I Think I Love Her

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Please tell my if I've made any mistakes in this chapter please! It would be greatly appreciated as always! 😊 I'm sick, so I was able to write another chapter for today! I hope you all enjoy it!


Ash's P.O.V

I put all the food back into the fridge and closed the door, relieved.

I heard Serena laugh a bit as she watched and then moved back into the living room and took the seat at the laptop once again.

Once I was done putting the food away I moved over to the laptop as well and typed in the password once again. It took awhile until it logged back in, but once it did I went to PowerPoint.

Serena started to type the titles again and then some facts of the topic that we were writing about and then saved the file just in case the power went off again.

"So you know nothing about the innovations made in the 1900's?" Serena asked, looking over at me.

I shook my head back and forth, telling her that I didn't know anything.

I really didn't have a clue about this kind of stuff. I don't know what they learned all school year.... I mean, I was here for a half of the semester almost, but still. I didn't know what the heck she was talking about.

"Ugh." Serena turned back to the PowerPoint and started to type again. "Do you know how to do the animations on here?" She asked.

"Uh- yeah I think so. Why?"

"Because you can do the editing and animations while I do the facts and the typing."

"Oh, okay. Yeah, I know how to put an action button in there to make it look cool and more professional. Then the slide effects can make it even better!" I grinned, thinking of all the things I could do.

•~•~• 🍁🍂🍃 •~•~•

"So..." I trailed off, thinking if I should say anything as I sat on the couch, watching Serena type.

"What is it?" Serena looked at me, saving the file again.

"Are you and Alain... You know... girlfriend and boyfriend?"

"Uh-" Serena blinked, starring at me as her cheeks reddened. "N-no. He only asked me out on a date. It doesn't necessarily mean that we're in a relationship."

"Oh." I said, my heart lifting back up to my chest a bit.

Serena looked back over at the screen of the laptop and asked, "W- why are you asking?"

"I was just wondering." I rubbed the back of my head and then looked back at Serena, my lips forming a frown. "Do you... have feeling for Alain? Like love him?"

"What- I'm just going with him on one date! I-" She paused. "I don't know how I feel about him yet."

I looked over at Serena when I realized she stopped typing, making me feel bad for asking.

"Sorry. I shouldn't of asked." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"No. It's okay." Serena said, turning around with a smile on her face, but soon disappeared. "Wait... you said you have feelings for someone. You've never told me who it was."

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