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Please point out any mistakes I've missed please!!! You guys have been great in doing so lately! Thank you for that!

Ash's P.O.V

"Come over here slowpokes!" I heard a familiar voice yell to the side of me.

I turned around to see Serena's mom who stood there by something that looked like another small shed, but longer.

Serena and I walked over to her mom, Serena releasing her grip on my hand.

"So what horse would you like to ride Ash?" Serena's mom asked, opening something that looked like barn doors.

I then saw stalls scattered across the whole room once she opened the door. There was about three horses in three of the stalls out of all of them, each one different then the last. One was brown, the other, white, and the last one black.

One of the horses caught my eye. It's fur was chocolate brown, as if he was just showered in a bucket of dark chocolate. A white stripe went up his snout, as if a whip of whip cream was left to finish off the dessert.

I walked over to the horse, the foal snorting as it rammed it's hooves against the concrete and hay beneath it, it's black marble eyes beading out of the sides of its head and looked over towards me.

"That there's Chestnut." Serena's mom walked up next to me, her hands set on her hips as she smiled over at the horse in front of me.

"Can I pet him?" I asked.

"Of course."

I then moved my hand towards Chestnut's snort, which was shaded maroon and rubbed it slowly, the horse still glancing at my with its eyes.

A smile slowly split across my face as I petted it, it's fur bristling.

"Did you chose Chestnut then?" Serena leaned over my shoulder and looked over at Chestnut.

"Yeah." I grinned, continuing to pet the horse.

"I guess that means I'll choose this one then." Serena said, walking over towards the horse in the stall next to Chestnut's. "How are you doing Snowflake?" Serena smiled, opening the gate so that the horse could exit out of the stall. "Looks like I'm going to have to ride you today."

Serena took the rein from the horse that stood in front of her and gently tugged at it.

The horse then walked out of the stall, the clanging of its hooves against the concrete able to be heard.

It's face was soon able to be seen as it stepped out of the stall and walked towards Serena, the horses fur completely white. As if the rest of the whip cream was poured onto Snowflake instead of Chestnut.

I stood there in awe as the horse continued to walk out of the stall and stopped in front of Serena once the horse was finally completely out of the stall and Serena could close the gate.

Serena walked over behind Snowflake and entered the stall, grabbing a leathered saddle and some kind of black blanket. She exited the stall and closed the gate behind her. Serena took the blanket and placed it on top of Snowflake's back sideways and next, put the saddle on top of it gently, me watching carefully.

"There." Serena walked back and examined the saddle, but then tugged on some kind of holder to put your feet in, making sure they were stable.

Grace then opened the gate stall for Chestnut and brought him out, revealing that he was completely brown, no other color on able to be seen other then Chestnut's white make on its about. It's light brown mane hanged from the side of its neck.

Grace grabbed a saddle and blanket as well and put it on Chestnut just the way Serena did, making sure the whole thing was secure.

We then took the two horses out to the track... Grace and Serena doing the work to lead them to the area of course.

Once we made our way to the track, Grace set Chesnut in front of me.

"Do you know how to mount a horse?" Grace asked me, sweat dropping.

"No." I replied, the corners of my lips trying to form a smile.

"Serena, do you mind showing him?" Grace asked, turning over to Serena who was petting Snowflake next to us.

"Me?" Serena blinked. "I mean... I guess I can."

"Good." Grace smiled. "I'll be right back, I have to go change the horseshoes on Midnight." Grace said, walking off the track and went back towards the stalls.

Serena turned around to Snowflake and stepped next to the horse and set her foot on the part of the saddle that was supposed to keep your feet in place. "First, you got to step on the stirrup, but you can also grab the horn first if you want to make things easier."

"Um... What's the horn?" I sweat dropped.

"Oh, that's this." Serena looked up above the saddle and grabbed a piece of leather that was pointing out from the saddle and pointing up towards the sky.

"Oh, okay."

"Then you have to pull your weight up like this-" Serena pulled on the horn and pulled her self up and swung her other foot to the other side of the horse. "See, easy."

"O- okay." I said, turning over towards Chestnut and put my foot on what she called the stirrup and put all my weight on it, pushing my self up as I grabbed the horn of the saddle and began to pull myself and lift my leg up to the other side, but failed and I fell backwards, landing on my back in the dirt of the track.

"Ash!" Serena looked down at me, still mounted on Snowflake.

"Ow." I said flatly, sitting back up and looked over at Chestnut who was looking back at me. Probably laughing in his thoughts too. "Mmhm." I said grumpily and stood back up.

"Are you alright?" Serena asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I reassured her and turned back towards Chestnut, placing my foot back into the stirrup and pulled myself back up, grabbing the horn and this time successfully swung my foot around, but then felt the side of my body go flying in the direction, putting too much force into the swing and fell down the other side of Chestnut, landing on my side.

"Really!?" I shouted in frustration and stood back up and saw Serena was giggling slightly, trying not too, but obviously was. I lowered my eyelids and let my shoulders slouch. "What's so funny?"

"I'm sorry, but your face before you fell." Serena chuckled, still trying to hold in the laugh.

I sighed, and I managed a small smile, starting to laugh just from Serena's laugh.

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