The Spell

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Serena's P.O.V

I eventually stopped running, but tears still ran down my cheeks as I walked, my mind running crazy as it still tried to figure out what actually happened.

My hands were sticky from the fruit punch, including my hair and clothes, which made it all the more irritating.

I kept walking until I saw a small park at the corner of my eye. I walked over to it and sat down on a bench that was a few feet away from the playground in the middle of the field. I gazed at the playground and remembered when I was that young. When I was that small that I could slide down those slides that swirled around at a laughable slow rate. And here I am now. Covered in fruit punch as memories swirling in my head. Memories both good and bad.

I looked over to the side of me and saw a water fountain. I walked over to it and decided to wash my hands, hair and face, to get off the dried fruit punch which was sticky as heck. Of course the water fountain isn't the most resourceful thing to use, but it works. I'll still have to wash my clothes and take a shower though once I get home.

After I did that, I went over to the swings, walking over the wood chips that were scattered all around the playground and sat in one of the swings as I remembered what happened at the party. I hate Miette. I should of called that she would of done something while I was there.

I sat there, thinking over and over again about what happened, my memories seeming to rewind time to remember the exact moment. My mind went back and showed me what everything looked like and everything that happened until I eventually couldn't handle it anymore. Tears started to fall down my cheeks again. I cupped my face into my hands as I cried. This was the most humiliating thing that has ever happened to me.

And the worst of all was that everyone saw me. Even Ash.

I felt more tears stream down my face as I continued to cup my face in my hands, but then I heard wood chips being stepped on, making snapping noises.

I lifted my head up to find Ash, his lips formed into a frown as he looked down at me with his same brown eyes from 3 years ago. I hurriedly wiped my eyes and looked back down at the ground. Ash didn't say anything and instead, sat in the swing next to me.

"I-" He hesitated. "I'm sorry about what happened to you. I should of never went or invited you. I've heard rumors about Miette and I guess I kinda just pushed that all aside."

Did that mean he has... or had a crush on Miette. Please don't tell me that I'm right.

"Does that mean that you like Miette?" I asked, my eyes still fixed on the ground beneath me.

"What? No!" He looked at me and waved his hands in the air. "I- I have a crush on someone else." He set his hands back down on his lap.

It became quiet again, neither of us daring to talk to each other.

"It's getting pretty dark. I think I should drive you home." Ash said, severing the awkward silence.

"Yeah." I sat up from the swing and walked over to the sidewalk that I came from.

Ash sat up too and caught up to me.

"Do you know where to go to from here?" I looked up at Ash, hoping he did.

"Yeah." He smiled.

I blushed.

He gave one of his smiles that made me feel warm and could lead me to swoon at any second. Why the heck was he the person that made me feel this way. It's a feeling that I didn't even know existed and he's the one who makes me feel it.

I smiled back at Ash, even though I was having the worst day of my life, his smile put some kind of spell on me, leading me to smile uncontrollably. A spell that wouldn't wear off. It would wear off eventually, yes, but the spell would last long or short, depending on how much power the user put into the spell. I couldn't frown even if I tried.

•~•~• 🍃🍂🍁 •~•~•

We eventually made it back to Miette's house. Ash's car was parked about a block away, which didn't make it that hard to find, but at the same time, uncomforting that the car was parked so close.

He drove me back home, actually walking me up to my front door.

I rang the doorbell and my mom opened the door.

"Serena I thought-" She paused and looked at Ash.

Well fu-

"Oh my goodness. Serena you didn't tell me that you went out on a date!"

I felt my cheeks heat up hotter then a furnace.

"Uh-" I tried, but nothing seamed to spill out of my mouth.

My mom went up to my ear and whispered, "He's cute. You picked well."

I didn't know how my cheeks could get any warmer or redder then they already were, but... they did.

"Mom!" I yelled at her as she pulled back and smiled at Ash.

"Oh, no, no. You got it wrong." Ash sweat dropped.

"Has Serena been behaving herself lately?" My mom asked, completely ignoring what Ash said.

"Uh- yes, but you got it all wrong-"

"Oh, good! I hope you'll take care of Serena, she can be a handful."

"MOM!" I yelled, my face redder then a ruby.

"What is it?" She looked at me, confused.

"Well you see- I'm not dating your daughter." Ash rubbed the back of head.

"What? Oh. Well that's disappointing." My mom said, flatly as if she didn't embarrass me at all.

I face palmed myself. This day just gets more humiliating by the minute.

"You know what, I got to go to bed." I walked into my house, passing by my mom and towards the stairs.

"I hope to see see ya at school on Monday." Ash smiled and then walked away from the front door towards his car.

I got ready to head upstairs when my mom squealed.

"Ugh." I shuttered.

"Who was that?" My mom asked.

"Just a friend." I sighed and ran up the stairs.

"What's his name?"

"A- Ash." I walked into my room and jumped onto my bed.

Fenn walked over to the side of my bed and wagged her tail.

I looked over at Fenn and sighed. "You have no idea what I've been through today."

I then picked up one of my pillows and pulled it down on my face. But under that damn pillow, I wore a smile remembering Ash's smile. Remembering Ash. Maybe I did have a bad day, but gah dang it. It was pretty dang interesting. I got fruit punch dumped on me, that's a first.

And the best of all was that everyone saw me. Even Ash.

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