The Kiss

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HEY, I KNOW YOU SEE THE TITLE, so please... PLEASE take your time in reading this.😆
Please point out ANY of my mistakes! It would be very helpful as always!

Serena's P.O.V

"Ash!" I continued to yell out into the road and streets of where Ash went.

Where did he go?

I ran up to his house still holding the side of my cheek and rang the doorbell, hoping Ash was there as I waited patiently outside the front door.

The door opened and my heart jumped up, but then shank back down as I found that it was Delia who opened the door.

"Oh- Serena?" Delia said opening the front door as she examined my face.

"I was just... Wondering if Ash was here."

"Oh. No. He's supposed to be at Gary's. Do you need help with anything?"

"Oh, no." I shook my head. "Thanks for telling me though." I was about to turn around, but then Delia stopped me.

"Is there anything wrong? You've been holding your cheek this whole time..."

"Oh-" I put my hand back down at my side and forced a smile that made my cheek sore. "I'm fine. Thanks for asking anyways. Got to go!" I turned back around and ran down towards the street.

"Wait!" I heard Delia call, but I just ignored her and kept running, my eyes scanning the road ahead of me for any sight of Ash.

"Ash!" I yelled again, hoping for an answer but all there was was the silence of the neighborhood.

That was when something caught the corner of my eye.

I turned around and saw Ash. He was walking in the direction of the city, passing by a field scattered with trees where kids came to play during their free time, his face shrouded by the tip of his hat as he looked down at the ground.

I started to walk over to him. As I got closer, I saw that he was crying, tears running down his cheeks and rolled down to the ground. Then once I got closer, I started to hear sobbing, leading directly to Ash.

"All... All I do-" he stopped in between sobs. "All I do is hurt her." He buried his head in his shoulders as his hands formed into fists at his side, tears falling down on the ground in front of him as he walked.

A frown grew into my face as I walked towards him, my heart seeming to break into millions of pieces.

Eventually, I got so close that I was standing right next to him.

He just continued to cry, so I didn't know if he knew if I was there or not.

"Ash..." I said slyly, trying not to scare him.

Ash stopped in his tracks and turned around and saw me, and he jerked his head in the opposite direction of me. "What?" He asked in a harsh tone, throwing me back a little.

"You know you didn't mean to-"

"Just leave me alone." He interrupted.

I frowned again and walked up to him.

"You heard him." Ash said, wiping his tears away. "All I do is hurt you..."

I looked over at Ash concerned. He can't actually believe all of that right?

"Ash." I looked over at him with worried eyes.

"Just stay away from me." He wept. "He's right. I don't want to hurt you anymore."

"Ash, that's not true." I pleaded.

"It is!" He exclaimed, turning back over to face me, tears layer on his eyelids.

I stood there motionless.

"It's all I've done. Hurt..." He looked back down at the ground.

"Ash, that's not true!" I continued to bark.

"You know it is!" He turned around to face me once again, his face more angry now than sad.

That's when I had enough. I threw my hand forward, and I grabbed the fabric his jacket and pulled him into me, so that he was close enough. I closed my eyes, and I pushed my face into his so that our lips finally met. I felt my heart beat against my chest as our lips touched, a wave of warmth starting to wash over me that washed away the pain in the side of my cheek. I couldn't tell what Ash's reaction was since my eyes were closed, but I felt him kiss back as he placed his hand behind my neck and his other around my waist, pushing me into him.

I let my hand let go of Ash's jacket and wrap them around his neck instead.

We stayed in the same position for awhile until we eventually needed to break apart.

As our lips broke apart, we looked into each other's eyes as if we were both in a trance. My heart continued to beat wildly as I looked up at him. I pulled my arms back away from his neck and put them to the side of me, him doing the same, my cheeks burning a bright red.

"I-" I looked down at my feet, not able to say anything.

"No... It's- it's alright." Ash scratched the back of his head, ruffling his hair.

My heart continued to try to skip a beat as I looked down at the ground, my mind imagining the kiss again in my head.

"I- I'm sorry for... You know." He looked away.

"Yeah... I know." I muttered, trying not to make things awkward.

"Anyways..." I looked up at Ash. "I- I think I should go."

"Oh... Um, yeah. I- I think I should get going too." Ash gave a nervous smile.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah- tomorrow."

"Bye then..." I turned around and began to walk home, but then after I started to walk away for a few seconds, I heard Ash yell from behind me, leading me to turn around.

"Serena!" He rushed up to me. "So does that mean... We're going on a date tomorrow?" He asked abruptly.

"Yeah." I laughed. "It's a date." I said with reassurance, walking up to Ash again.

I leaned up towards Ash and pressed my lips against his one last time, but only for about a second and then turned back around, walking towards my house as I left Ash speechless once again as a smile was stuck on my face, the pain in my cheek seeming to have faded.

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