Hand In Hand

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Yep. Some of you might recognize that chapter title from one of my books, but it went great with this chapter, so named it Hand In Hand anyway. 😝

Serena's P.O.V

I could still feel my warmth in my cheeks after a couple minutes that I've walked away from my house.

I can't believe my mom would say something like that. All she does is embarrass the heck out of me. Especially around Ash. Why Ash? Out of every person it just had to be Ash, didn't it?

"So... Where are we actually going?" Ash asked, now finally right next to me after I started to walk slower, knowing that we were far enough from my house and my mom.

"I don't know." I sighed, looking back down the the concrete. And that's when I noticed that Ash was still holding my hand. I felt my cheeks flare red. I have to admit, I was kinda new to all of this 'dating' stuff... Who am I kidding? I mentally face palmed myself. I don't even know if it's dating.

"What's wrong?" Ash looked at me suspiciously.

"Oh- uh... Nothing." I blurted out and gave a sheepish smile through my blushing, hoping he wouldn't notice it.

"Are you sure?"

"Y-yeah. I'm sure!" I waved my other hand that wasn't holding Ash's in front of me.

"Okay then." Ash sighed and looked back ahead of him. "We have to figure out where we're going first before we go any further." Ash sweat dropped and stopped in his tracks, so I stopped as well.

"Could we go to that one pizza place? You know, the one that we went to-" He stopped for some reason, but then I realized why. It was the place we went to before he left. The day when I didn't even say anything to him and just flat out ignored him. I wish I didn't though. I wish I spent time with him instead. It also reminded me of the day he left, which brought me back to when I gave the box of macaroons to Ash, which flickered back my memory to what I made for him this morning.

"That's right!" I exclaimed happily and reached into my pocket and pulled out a small container shaped into a cylinder made to hold about 8 macarons which it was actually finaled up with exactly to that quantity, all of them made by me. "Here." I held it out in front of Ash.

"Macarons!" Ash grinned one of the widest grins I think I've ever seen him give and then snatched the container strait from my hands. "Did you make them yourself?"

I nodded, blushing lightly.

"Alright!" He exclaimed and tried to open it with one hand since the other one was holding mine

I sweat dropped. "You do realize that you can let go of my hand, right?"

"Oh- uh... Yeah, of course." Ash said hesitantly and then let go of my hand and moved it to the lid of the container and opened it.

He then grabbed and macarons from the cylinder container and threw it into his mouth, his face lighting up as he did.

"It tastes the exact same way I remember them from when I left!" Ash yelled happily and ate another one.

I laughed as I watched him continue to eat the macarons in what seemed like seconds for each one he ate.

"Are you hungry?" Ash raised an eyebrow, almost done with the container.

"Not really, but you probably are." I looked up at him and laughed.

"I'm always hungry." Ash said proudly as if it was something to be honored for.

"Yeah... Of course you are." I sweat dropped.

"Here, take this." Ash handed me one of the macarons that was blue, from the container.

I blushed slightly and took the macaron from his hand. "Thanks." I thanked shyly.

"No problem." Ash grinned and then ate the last macaron from the container.

I smiled and then ate the macaron, the flavor blueberry.

"So?" Ash looked back down at me. "Where are we gonna go? I'm still thinking about whether or not to go to that pizza place that I mentioned earlier... That is, if you want to go too."

"Well guessing that that's the only place we can think of, sure." I said, smiling back up at him.

"Sweet, let's get going then." Ash grinned and took my hand again, leading my cheeks to turn pink as he pulled me along with him towards the pizza place.

"Slow down!" I yelled laughingly.

Ash didn't respond and instead started to run faster, now pretty much dragging me.

"Aw, come on!" I laughed.

"What?" Ash looked over his shoulder at me, grinning.

"Fine, if you want it that way-" I tugged on Ash's hand, leading him to stop and fall backwards, but he caught his balance before he fell and laughed.

"Why did you do that?" Ash looked back at me.

"Because." I simply stated and continued to walk with his hand wrapped around mine.

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