Flickering Love

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Ash's P.O.V

Why did Alain have to ask her out? Why didn't I tell her how I felt before he did?

"So do you mind if we start on the project right now?" Serena asked, standing back up after petting Chu.

"Oh, sure." I gave a small smile, not even knowing how I could even pull one off.

Me and Serena then walked over to the living room and got onto the laptop, typing in the password and got onto PowerPoint when I heard thunder outside.

"That was loud." I said, looking back to the front door and looked out the window, seeing rain starting to fall down from the sky.

"We should get working." Serena sighed and looked at the PowerPoint on the screen of the laptop. "Wait..." Serena sweat dropped. "What subject are we going to base this off of?"

"Oh- I guess we didn't think of that." I said, scratching the back off my head.

"Maybe the Cold War?" Serena suggested.

"What's that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"How do you not know about the Cold War?"

"Hey, don't blame me, I wasn't here the whole first semester."

"That doesn't give you an excuse. You should of learned what we learned at your previous school."

Another clash of lightning could be heard outside as you could hear more rain falling down from the sky.

Serena then walked over to the window and looked outside, rain pouring down from the roof of my house creating massive puddles outside my house as more thunder could be heard that seemed to shake the house.

"Can we just move on?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Alright, alright." Serena sighed. "How about... The technological innovations that's impacted America?"

"That's very specific." I sweat dropped.

"Agh, just let me type it." Serena face palmed herself.

I then sat up out of my seat and Serena took my spot, starting to type immediately and then showed me the first two slides.

The first one read, "Innovations That Impacted American Lives" while the second one was titled, "Steam and Electrical Power"

"I don't know any of this stuff." I slouched.

"We just learned it in class!" Serena turned over at me. "How could you not know this!"

"Uh- I don't know." I said, scratching the side of my head.

All of a sudden it all went pitch black as I heard Serena scream.

"What's happened?" I asked, looking around, everything black until a flash of lightning strike shined light into my house, the shadows of the windows against the floor.

"The power must of went out." Serena said next to me.

"Oh no, no, no." I said, walking in circles.

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