So You Still Like Her?...

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Serena's P.O.V

I looked down at my desk. Maybe I should work on the project by myself. That would be easier.

I then took out my binder and started to look through my agenda and saw that I had Math homework and started to work on it.

"Um... Serena?"

I looked up and saw Ash.

"Do you already have a partner?" He asked.

"No, but I'm thinking that I might do this project on my own." I said, looking back at my binder and solved a problem that was on the math sheet.

"Oh..." Ash said, making me feel bad in the tone that he said it in.

I went back to doing my Math homework and tried to concentrate on that.

"Hey Serena?" Ash asked.

"What is it?" I asked, looking up at him as I was done with another one of my problems on my Math homework.

"I'm sorry about getting you in detention last week." He frowned.

"It's fine." I sighed. "Just- just don't try to cheat anymore. And if you can't, don't do it off of me."

"I still can't believe that the Spanish teacher saw us cheating." Said Ash, changing the subject somewhat, which was slightly annoying.

I looked back down at my homework that was in my binder and started to do a math problem again that was on the paper and tried to ignore Ash a bit.

"And..." I heard Ash and lifted my head back up. "-yeah. I'm sorry. I'll never cheat again. I promise." He said, in all seriousness from what it sounded like and then gave me one of his smiles that made me feel warm.

I felt my cheeks heat up a bit.

He then walked back over to his seat and brought out something from his backpack and started to write on it.

Why can't I just forget about him and how I felt- or feel about him? I should be over him by now, but I still blush around him, feel warm around him, he gives me this feeling that I can't describe. One that makes me feel like I need him. Then once I hang around him I get all nervous still.

I stayed quiet and then put my homework away, done with all of it, thank goodness.

Ring, Ring, Ring

It was finally the end of the day. I started to pack up. I sat up and got ready to walk out of Mr. Rowan's class.

Once I finally it out of class I decided to take out my phone and I started to text Ash.

Ash's P.O.V

I sat down in the bus seat next to Gary as always and felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I took out my phone and saw that Serena texted me.

I leaned over to the side so Gary couldn't see. Who knows what he would do if he knew I had Serena's phone number.

I looked through my texts and saw that Serena texted, "Hey can u be my partner for the project? I changed my mind about working alone and you asked me to be your partner so..."

A smile creeped up on to my face as my heart gave a wave of joy that went throughout my body that made me feel all warm. I can't believe she actually asked me to be her partner. Especially after what happened last time in 8th grade.

I happily replied, "Yeah sure" and then mentally faced palmed myself for texting back something that sounding like I didn't want to work with her.

"What are you doing?" Asked Gary, looking over my shoulder.

"Hey!" I yelled at him and turned my phone off so he couldn't see.

"What!?" Gary asked, as if he was accused.

"You can't just look through my phone." I pouted.

"I wasn't looking through your phone... I was just checking what you were doing on your phone."

"Still man, that's looking through my private property."

Gary crossed his arms. "Yeah, whatever. Now who were you texting?"

"I wasn't texting anyone!"

"Yes you were, I saw it. I think the contact name started with an 'S'. I couldn't make it out because you TURNED IT OFF before I could see it!" He yelled.

"Well sorry!" I snapped back and put my phone back into my pocket.

"Wait- was that Serena?" Gary asked, examining me.

"What!? No!" I lied, trying to hide my nervousness.

"You have her phone number don't you!" Gary exclaimed, jumping out of his seat.

"No! Even if I did, why would that matter!?"

"Because you either asked for her phone number or she gave it to you! Do you still have feelings for her!?"

"Eh-" I jumped back in my seat. "N- no!"

"Yes you do! You stuttered! You still like her!" He sat back down. "Ashy-boy, why didn't you tell me this earlier!? I've could of helped you a longtime ago!"

"I didn't want to tell you because of this exact reason." I muttered, slouching down in my seat.

"So you do like her!" Gary smirked.

"W- wait! I didn't say that!" I denied, motioning my hands in front of me.

"Yes you did! You said that 'that's why I didn't want to tell you.'!"

"I did not!"

We continued to argue until we finally reached my neighborhood.

I got out of my seat, ready to exit the bus, until Gary yelled across the bus, "I STILL HAVE THOSE PHOTOS!"

I froze, stuck on the steps of the bus as I felt myself get warm.

He still has those damn photos!?

"Gary I swear-"

"Son, you got to get off of the bus. I still got to drop off other kids here." The bus driver said, interrupting me before I finish my sentence for Gary.

I sighed and ran down the bus stairs and jumped down onto the sidewalk.

The bus doors closed and started to move again. As it moved, I saw Gary out the window with his signature smirk.

I swear to gah if he gets involved in this I will kick his ass.

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