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As I sat there on the steps, I went on my phone as I waited for my mom to text me back, which she eventually did after a minute or so. I asked her if I could eat dinner at my friends house, and she said it was fine as long as it was alright with the friend's parent. Then my mind decided to ask one of the most stupidest questions in my life to my mom.

I texted her, "Is it alright if I stay the night too?"

And to my surprise, she said yes.

Ash's mom passed by me, but then walked back in front of me and sat on the step next me, making me nervous.

"So you're friends with my son, huh?" She looked at me with no facial expression.

"Uh-" I blinked. "Yeah."

She smiled and said, "Just give him some time. It takes him awhile to get out of the box."

What did she mean by that? Does she actually think that we're dating?

"Okay! I set up the WiiU!" Ash smiled, stepping out from his bedroom.

I smiled and walked up to his room, knowing now that Ash liked me. He's liked me this whole time and I've never noticed? How stupid can I get? Here I am thinking Ash was dense and oblivious, but here I was, not realizing something so obvious.

I walked in and saw a t.v. that was set in from of his bed. On the screen it read; Super Smash Bros. WiiU.

"Here." Ash said, holding up a WiiU game pad controller.

"Thanks." I took the controller and sat down on his bed in front of the t.v. "Do you- do you mind if I stay the night here?"

"Uh- I guess so... If you want. My mom doesn't mind."

"I'm staying the night then I guess." I flashed a smile.

"So do you wanna play online?"

"Sure, but I've never really played the WiiU version before." I sweat dropped.

"Oh, well do you know how to use the controller?"

"I think so..." I showed the way to hold the controller. "I used to play Super Smash Bros. Brawl with Calem."

"Oh... Okay." Ash smiled and then went to 'Online'.

He then went to team battle and two player. When we got into the server, Ash picked Ike while I picked Captain Falcon.

"You're going to play Captain Falcon?" He looked at me.

"Yeah. I used to play him all the time."

"Okay then." Ash said and clicked the start button.

The other team was already there, so the game began right after we got ready.

•~•~• 🍁🍂🍃 •~•~•

"G, G!" Ash yelled happily after we demolished the opposite team.

"Did you see how I killed that guy!?" I smiled.

Pokemon High School (Amourshipping)Where stories live. Discover now