Social Studies

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Serena's P.O.V

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Ring, ring, ring

Everyone jumped out of their seats and ran out the door, including me and Ash.

"What class do you have next?" Ash asked as we exited Spanish Class.

"Social Studies." I sighed.

"What teacher?" He asked excitedly.

"Mr. Rowan."

"Sweet! I have the same class!" He fist pumped the air.

"Really?" I asked, my eyes wide eyed.

"Yeah!" He looked down at me. "Do you by any chance sit next to an empty seat in that class as well?"

He wanted to sit next to me? Again?

"No." I looked back ahead of me, slightly disappointed myself.

"Oh." He put his hands in his pockets. "But is there an empty seat near you maybe?"

"Not that I can remember." I frowned.

"Well is there any chance that the teacher would let me switch out with anyone sitting next to you?"

"No." I laughed slightly. "Why can't you just sit somewhere else for once."

"I feel more comfortable when I'm sitting next to someone I know." He put his hands behind his back. "I feel the most comfortable around you." He looked down as me, a smile splitting across his face.

I felt my cheeks inflame after he said that. Did he like me? No. Stop jumping to conclusions. It could just be him as a friend. I shouldn't even be considering these things! I mentally face palmed myself. Why am I even considering that I like him? There is no possible way that I could fall in love with him again the moment I saw him after not talking or seeing him in 3 years, no way.

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Mr. Rowan cleared his throat and said, "We have a new student in this class. His name's Ash Ketchum and I hope that you will all make him feel welcomed."

After what Mr. Rowan said, Ash went back to his seating.

"Can I sit in the back?" Ash asked.

I sat quietly in my seat waiting for Mr. Rowan's response, me blushing after Ash still wanting to sit next me.

"You may take this seat." Mr. Rowan presented a seat in front of the class.

My heart took another stab finally. Miette was in the seat next to him. My heart raced I felt myself get stressed and worried. That made me pretty upset, but there was nothing I could do about it.

I saw Ash take his seat and Miette happy grinning at the decision that Mr. Rowan made.

I took out my notebook and started doing my bell work, but my mind kept telling me to look up from my paper to look at the two.

The weird thing about Mr. Rowan was that he leaves the classroom without even telling anyone and today must of been the day where he had to go get some papers cause once I was done with my bell work, I looked up from my paper and over to Mr. Rowan's desk, but he wasn't there. Then I looked over to where Ash sat to find Miette talking to Ash.

"Do you have a future bride Ash?" Miette asked.

"What do you mean?" Ash looked up from his piece of paper.

I felt my heart beating ten times a second. Why the heck would Miette be asking that question. But I knew full and well why she was.

A frown grew on my face, my eyebrows cursing downwards as I looked at the two.

Miette glanced at me after she asked Ash and a smirk grew on her face and then look back over at Ash, her eyes changing to flirting mode.

I felt my blood boiling now. I grabbed my notebook and tore a piece of paper from it, quietly, so no one could hear me do it and rolled it up into a ball.

I glanced over at Miette and threw it in her direction. The paper landed directly into her blue hair, making me want to laugh, but I held it in and started to pretend that I was doing my bell work.

"What the!?" Miette reached into her hair and grabbed the paper ball and looked around the classroom.

I continued to scribble on my piece of paper as Miette scanned the room to see who did it.

"Agh!" She eventually sat back in her seat after giving up and went to doing her bell work- or at least that's what I thought.

Miette grabbed her notebook and ripped out an even bigger piece of paper then I did and threw it. At me. How did she know?

I felt the paper ball hit the top of my head and fall down in front of me on my desk. I looked up to find Miette talking to Ash again. Told you she acted quickly.

Before I could throw it back at her, Mr. Rowan entered the classroom and started to talk through our bell work, boring the whole classroom once again- except for me.

I listened. All the lessons he tried to teach us that other students didn't notice. And they weren't lessons about Social Studies. They were about life. Life lessons that people would of never thought of.

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The bell rang again and everyone waited for Mr. Rowan to dismiss us.

"Alright, have a good day guys." Mr. Rowan said, picking up his binder full of work for us.

And everyone jumped out their seats and out the door.

I walked home again, my mind thinking about Ash. I planned in my head that I was gonna make some macaroons for him. I smiled at the thought that he actually asked for me to make more after 3 years. But then it disappeared as my mind jumped back to Miette. I hoped that she wouldn't ask him out, let alone talk to him ever again.

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